daddyholes posted:if we want to pretend that marginal white supremacist dough muffins have less influence over Arab death than community radio or the llco powerpod, idk. smh. tfw smdh. i guess i could frown at someone outside america who wont entertain that fantasy. it is a nice one.
do you think david duke pulling strings is going to stop bombs being dropped on syria? my understanding is that his commitments are first and foremost to the unrestrained capitalism that necessitates the bombs being dropped in the first place.
littlegreenpills posted:oh hey its the guy who gets buttmad about "russian imperialism" and thinks the crimea referendum was rigged
nice try homeboy but I already proved my 100% idieogoelicaly correct credentials by giving the deets on the onesided reporting on the whole ukraine conflict in germany and even spent a whole like, 3 minutes googlin people from ukrainian partys to point out their nazis.
not sure whyd you go for some BLATANT character ASsassination cause I pointed out that RT employs a lot of german hacks and acts as if they have credentials they dont have which is relevant cause thats what youtube that was posted and was posted several times before was about. dont put too much faith in everything RT is all im saying it aint like its a revolutionary vanguard newspaper just cuz theyre gonna run some storys most western media is 2 scared to publish. dont fuck with me!!!
c_man posted:do you think david duke pulling strings is going to stop bombs being dropped on syria? my understanding is that his commitments are first and foremost to the unrestrained capitalism that necessitates the bombs being dropped in the first place.
i believe, for the third time that i've said this now, that his show has a wider audience than the leftist alternatives in the united states and that audience has more influence.
it is really uncharacteristic of you to make stuff up that i didn't say.
daddyholes posted:i dont like fat white first world socialists playing patty cake with the far right but i have a hard time faulting nationalists from arab countries who come here and try to reach the widest possible audience through the tiny splinters of the media prism in the united states that allow criticism of israel. she is also right about the syrian government and christians in syria. my 2 p guvnor.
Personally I feel that being superfriends with the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and going on his show to help him promote ZOG conspiracy theories is enough to draw the line.
daddyholes posted:i dont vet foreign nationalists for communism, its true. it doesnt make any theoretical or practical sense for me to do that. i vet foreign communists for communism
The problem is that you literally don't vet them for appearing on Hitler Media™.
daddyholes posted:i have to admit i have a really hard time seeing eye to eye with people who reject applying a double standard to the population of western countries whose rulers have inordinate influence over world events, no matter what else we agree on. this whole shit where im not fair enough to americans or like, im somehow condescending to people in other countries because i dont expect them to act like they have the luxury of picking and choosing the ways they reach western populations with that inordinate influence, its one of the most boring things to me when talking to liberals.
You're whinging pretty hard here dude, (and in a very liberal way ), this has nothing to do with whether we hold everyone to equal standards but whether it's okay to criticize someone for appearing on David Duke and obviously it is.

daddyholes posted:this just seems bad faith coming from you. i dont read twitter and have no idea what happened with HK but i wish he would post here about it at length, i feel like i wouldnt be completely wasting my time reading a criticism of this from someone who actually accepts that "unrest" in syria stems in large part from a huge amount of fuckery and lying from the west through coordinated operations and recognizes that taking a position on it, if it even matters and i know goatstein et al think it doesnt, requires making choices that arent great. reading someone who i guess supports an imaginary superleft insurgency? i dont even know? who turns around and is like AH HAH and an ASSAD supporter talked to a BAD GUY it looks like this to me:
Thanks for the sanctimonious off-topic liberalism. Now listen to my song:
If we have shortcomings, we are not afraid to have them pointed out and criticized, because we serve the people. Anyone, no matter who, may point out our shortcomings. If he is right, we will correct them. If what he proposes will benefit the people, we will act upon it. The idea of "better troops and simpler administration" was put forward by Mr. Li Ting-ming, who is not a Communist. He made a good suggestion which is of benefit to the people, and we have adopted it. If, in the interests of the people, we persist in doing what is right and correct what is wrong, our ranks will surely thrive.
daddyholes posted:i talked to a guy at the community radio station about this last night on his show no one listens to. he said that he gets the idea of hitting the widest part of a small audience in the u.s. but its bad optics because a lot of the black community in the united states is still ready to hear about the problems of zionism. i think thats a cool point.
How many black people do you think are tuning in to David Duke?
Lessons posted:How many black people do you think are tuning in to David Duke?
well hes black and he listened to that episode for a little while at least enough to talk about what she said, but i was really talking more about black people who keep up with this stuff and heard about it from other sources
getfiscal posted:i try not to be rude, but daddyholes is a white noise poster and not a reflection of our hivemind, i'd like to think.
the last time we talked about this you said that communists should support communism in syria. which seems right but i still dont know what you mean by that.
daddyholes posted:getfiscal posted:i try not to be rude, but daddyholes is a white noise poster and not a reflection of our hivemind, i'd like to think.
the last time we talked about this you said that communists should support communism in syria. which seems right but i still dont know what you mean by that.
we may never know.
Lessons posted:If we have shortcomings, we are not afraid to have them pointed out and criticized, because we serve the people. Anyone, no matter who, may point out our shortcomings. If he is right, we will correct them. If what he proposes will benefit the people, we will act upon it. The idea of "better troops and simpler administration" was put forward by Mr. Li Ting-ming, who is not a Communist. He made a good suggestion which is of benefit to the people, and we have adopted it. If, in the interests of the people, we persist in doing what is right and correct what is wrong, our ranks will surely thrive.
well this is cool but attacking a syrian nationalist for engaging with the wrong interlocutor is not communist self criticism
discipline posted:did she know who david duke was? I can't watch the show, I don't have enough internet
i dont really know but my concern troll here is that if the answer is "no" then we just get this same worrywarting the next time someone from Hezbollah or the Iranian government shows insufficient historical anti-fascism
Lessons posted:You're sitting here and telling me that it's perfectly legit to publish your articles Der Stürmer because there aren't enough Arab Voices in the media, that is major liberalism of the 88th type.
but i'm not saying this, i'm saying that there are few places in the media where voices can talk about the connections between ISIS and the west, including arab voices, and you don't think that's real so you don't think anyone should talk about it anyway. thats what i meant.
tpaine posted:maybe she is just a retard. and so are you.
probably. but riddle me this. why are the best posts on this page yours. its freaking me the hell out