
conec posted:

ah f`ck jus woke up hav class in 20 min 10 min walk im hungy want bfast ahh!!
aye if some1 want to write some papers 4 me n get paid lemme kno cos im sicxk of writing paper 4 this class theres 1-2 papers due every week i hate it!!

Sure, I'll write you some papers, what college do you go to and who is your professor?

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let me talk to your professor
i think your pals here at the rhizzone would be more than happy to write any academic papers on your behalf
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what are they also write you're own paypers
actually why dont you just post the assignments here, and let users post their essays. You can sensor the college out or whatever

i wanna read tpaines take on the assignment
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conec posted:

ok the one due today which i cud probably turn in monday is a response paper to emmauel ringelblum - notes from the warsaw ghetto

the 1 due monday is on minimum wage - summarzing arguments for / against it nd taking a stance lmao.. -__-+

the 1 due tuesday is response paper to uh.. primo levi the drowned and the saved
the 1 due thursday is response paper to arendt banality of evil

the 1 due friday i will probably do myself cos im looking forward 2 writing dat 1

4 copies of "A Modern Defense of Communism" cummin right up!

Slipping that overdue paper under the prof's office door 3 minutes before the humanities building doors are locked is one of the most exhilarating feelings I've ever felt because my life is and has been very boring.
[account deactivated]

conec posted:

-__-+ ya f*ck it i`m going home 2 take a nap if i write dis paper that i`m supposed 2 turn in 2day (it was due yesterday but i didnt knoe n i went up to prof during break n was like "uhmm i misheard u i thought u said it was due tues can i turn it in like tomorrow" n he was like "its ok, yes" so im jus assuming he wont care if i turn it in on monday or w.e)) i prob won`t finish until after the building his office is in is locked but w/e f8ck it i feel like scheisse~~!!!!

Why are you wasting your time going to college

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conec posted:

i was/am a p goode student i`m depressed thoe n unmotivated lately sue me
WTF are u on my case for swampman.. why did YOU go to college?? if u even did?

I went because my mother and I were lied to throughout my entire public school education that college was a required step for my happy life.


conec posted:

emmanuel ***** i`m so sweepy i`m in library i wanna go home i`m on my period n it`s my birthday my least fave day of the year i jus wanna die

happy birthday conec

stop fretting about assignments in college conec. remember that youre in day care for 18-25 year olds and everything will be alright
oh btw, i found one of your papers for you: http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/03/07/f-d-r-makes-the-case-for-the-minimum-wage/?_php=true&_type=blogs&hp&rref=opinion&_r=0
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swampman posted:

I went because my mother and I were lied to throughout my entire public school education that college was a required step for my happy life.

college only counts if you have a stem degree, hth

college is the most important thing any of us will ever do
yo conec if you want papers written for you for cash i am happy to do that, i can fulfill your community college's nonchallenging rubrics AND maintain adherence to the firm orthodoxy of mao tse-tung thought at the same time AND work in jihadi anasheed. all reasonable rates. i promise not to go full hitler.
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i successfully scared a teacher into giving me a good grade once by feigning disgust at primo levi for saying he wasnt a zionist
conec who r ur fav posters (do i happen to be among them :3)
my wife prob has the skillz and the background 2 write a gud paper for you but shes rly busy w work+thesis+union repping+has weird ideas about academic integrity so im not confident
Arguments for and against the Minimum Wage
By g̶r̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ Connie Neck

It was the zero Hitler of times, it was the full Hitler of times.
connin connie
"sarah conec?"
pls dont make fun of community college
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conec posted:

man every1 is mean 2 me here n its festering w piggo perverts yall makin me feel like sh1t about myself

i jsut want you to write your own papers bc 1. you have it in you 2. cheetoes never prosper

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