ima kill a man for beatin' my face in

babyfinland posted:

it was in the context of a neighborhood having constant burglaries from black kids matching trayvon's description. he's on the neighborhood watch and has seen these guys get away for months. you have to contextualize these things, not just see a black kid and assume that it's just racism. i'm not at all saying there isn't a racial component, and i don't think zimmerman is like some kind of angel, but the argument that he's a vicious racist is really dumb and just perpetuates the dominant racist ideology that racism is just white hoods and burning crosses.

this might be a valid point if all of the actual facts in it werent 100% wrong and themselves gleaned directly from the very same "pundit holes on nbc" youre pretending to rail against


marimite posted:

Zimmerman also said Martin was someone he had never seen before and that he was wondering around aimlessly in people's yards. I guess the later part could have just been him trying to cover for himself, but the description matches what people generally consider a suspicious person.

i, too, keep a visual mental database of all black children in my neighborhood because i am Totally Not Racist


Superabound posted:

babyfinland posted:

it was in the context of a neighborhood having constant burglaries from black kids matching trayvon's description. he's on the neighborhood watch and has seen these guys get away for months. you have to contextualize these things, not just see a black kid and assume that it's just racism. i'm not at all saying there isn't a racial component, and i don't think zimmerman is like some kind of angel, but the argument that he's a vicious racist is really dumb and just perpetuates the dominant racist ideology that racism is just white hoods and burning crosses.

this might be a valid point if all of the actual facts in it werent 100% wrong and themselves gleaned directly from the very same "pundit holes on nbc" youre pretending to rail against

uh no


babyfinland posted:

Superabound posted:

babyfinland posted:

it was in the context of a neighborhood having constant burglaries from black kids matching trayvon's description. he's on the neighborhood watch and has seen these guys get away for months. you have to contextualize these things, not just see a black kid and assume that it's just racism. i'm not at all saying there isn't a racial component, and i don't think zimmerman is like some kind of angel, but the argument that he's a vicious racist is really dumb and just perpetuates the dominant racist ideology that racism is just white hoods and burning crosses.

this might be a valid point if all of the actual facts in it werent 100% wrong and themselves gleaned directly from the very same "pundit holes on nbc" youre pretending to rail against

uh no

1. There were not "constant" burglaries and there is no evidence that they were all perpetrated by black children
2. 'Black kids matching Trayvon's description' is redundant. The description itself is 'black kid'
3. George Zimmerman was not actually a member of any Neighborhood Watch
4. "these guys"

what on earth are you talking about

babyfinland posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

babyfinland posted:

like "he stalked a black kid for no other reason than he doesn't like black kids" is just patently and obviously false

assuming someone is a criminal because they are poor and black is kinda racist but iunno what do i know

it was in the context of a neighborhood having constant burglaries from black kids matching trayvon's description. he's on the neighborhood watch and has seen these guys get away for months. you have to contextualize these things, not just see a black kid and assume that it's just racism. i'm not at all saying there isn't a racial component, and i don't think zimmerman is like some kind of angel, but the argument that he's a vicious racist is really dumb and just perpetuates the dominant racist ideology that racism is just white hoods and burning crosses.

do you like the wire

would you say as a civilian toting a gun around to prevent these "constant burglaries" he is some kind of silent guardian... a watchful protector... a dark knight
anyway tom is right, if youd all watched your wire lessons on hbo you owuld know that racism only exists as a mystical field permeating everything, that affects the actions of people in institutions by juju magic oogabooga
the neighbourhood watch of sanford florida, staffed by fat failed cops with glocks who molest children, is institntuanally aracasits
i LOVE the wire
i love how everyone said the wire was a critique of americas institutions when theres literally none of that in the show + theyre just repeating what the marketing told them to think lol.
i tried watching the wire again recently and i couldnt make it through a single episode
Haha folks! Wes duhsibilised heeyah!
oh ziggy will you ever win
tim wise actually had a cameo in the wire as one of mcnulty's homeless dead bodies
the plot spoiler of the wire is that the left doesn't have a chance.
The Rhizzone's always had a bit of a retrograde panache, but the retreat into Great Man Theory and Eleanor Cliftesque hand-wringing over white guilt was a little unexpected
[account deactivated]

wasted posted:

the plot spoiler of the wire is that the left doesn't have a chance.

Do you think you can tell me what to do?

Do you think you can tell me what to say?

You better get ready, to bow to the master... Break it down!

Self-diagnosed neighborhood watchsperger softbody Jorge "Bad Touch" Zimmerman keeping white property rights safe, one black life at a time

babyfinland posted:

wasted posted:

how 'bout banning firearms as they contribute disproportionately to suicide attempts and gang violence?

it wouldn't affect gang violence since those guys don't get their guns legally anyway

It's not false to say they generally get their guns illegally, but the existence of large legal markets and loose regulations of sales obviously contributes to their use in violent crime.


In fact, there are a number of sources that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands, with gun thefts at the bottom of the list. Wachtel says one of the most common ways criminals get guns is through straw purchase sales. A straw purchase occurs when someone who may not legally acquire a firearm, or who wants to do so anonymously, has a companion buy it on their behalf. According to a 1994 ATF study on "Sources of Crime Guns in Southern California," many straw purchases are conducted in an openly "suggestive" manner where two people walk into a gun store, one selects a firearm, and then the other uses identification for the purchase and pays for the gun. Or, several underage people walk into a store and an adult with them makes the purchases. Both of these are illegal activities.

The next biggest source of illegal gun transactions where criminals get guns are sales made by legally licensed but corrupt at-home and commercial gun dealers. Several recent reports back up Wachtel's own studies about this, and make the case that illegal activity by those licensed to sell guns, known as Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs), is a huge source of crime guns and greatly surpasses the sale of guns stolen from John Q. Citizen. Like bank robbers, who are interested in banks, gun traffickers are interested in FFLs because that's where the guns are. This is why FFLs are a large source of illegal guns for traffickers, who ultimately wind up selling the guns on the street.

I know this is all academic since, you know, lol at repealing the second amendment, but come on.


“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” - Karl Marx

"There are no circumstances imaginable, not even victory, under which the proletariat should give up its possession of arms." -- Karl Marx

molon raths outlabe
Where Travon String
"Watching too much the wire is what causes people to be racist" is silly even for an anti-liberal troll message
lol there arent actually any people here that are dumb enough to think there is a statistical relationship between firearm ownership rates and violent crime rates right
guns are very heavily regulated here and all it leads to is decadent liberalism. dont fall for it!!

DildoMalone posted:

lol there arent actually any people here that are dumb enough to think there is a statistical relationship between firearm ownership rates and violent crime rates right

if you see anyone saying that lemme know and i'll sock em!


Meursault posted:

"Watching too much the wire is what causes people to be racist" is silly even for an anti-liberal troll message

belieb it or not its actually pretty progressive to portray literally 100% of all black people as either murderers, thieves, drug addicts, or corrupt politicians. But i repeat myself


jools posted:

i love how everyone said the wire was a critique of americas institutions when theres literally none of that in the show + theyre just repeating what the marketing told them to think lol.

doesnt it repeatedly show american institutions failing to achieve their stated purpose due to contradictions inherent to the purpose and with their own need to self-reproduce, or something

theres definitely something in it beyond 'wow the war on drugs might be bad' anyway, imo

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

Superabound posted:

belieb it or not its actually pretty progressive to portray literally 100% of all black people as either murderers, thieves, drug addicts, or corrupt politicians. But i repeat myself

they also had a bunch of no-nonsense black police officers and their families so idk??

yah i said murderes


roseweird posted:

furthermore, the tv show weeds is the primary cause of racially segregated communities

congrats, you'll be published in jacobin/in these times soon


SariBari posted:

roseweird posted:

furthermore, the tv show weeds is the primary cause of racially segregated communities

congrats, you'll be published in jacobin/in these times soon

Lost in the Weeds: The Pruning of Suburbia