yeah, but people are starving to their desths.

Slavoj Zizek posted:

While they fight subjective violence, liberal communists are the very agents of the structural violence that creates the conditions for such explosions of subjective violence. Precisely because liberal communists want to resolve all these secondary malfunctions of the global capital system–to render it “frictionless” for their mechanations–they are the direct embodiment of what is wrong with the system as such.

In the midst of any necessary tactical alliances one has to make with liberal communists when fighting racism, sexism and religious obscurantism, we should remember: Liberal communists are the enemy of every true progressive struggle today.

the democrats represent a warped reality: one in which capitalism can be mended, it's flaws corrected - an impossible task, as we know, and what in actuality they accomplish is to put a humane veneer on the visage of death. the republicans, on the otherhand, represent capitalism in the Real, and all the unfiltered horror that comes with it

regardless, we're not even talking about a social democrat like bernie sanders or FDR, we're talking about george bush the third. i can't understand any fathomable reason why anyone who considers themselves an educated leftist would vote for him, not even taking into consideration the meaningless gesture that is voting within nonswing states. obama doesn't stand for any liberal principals, he is an unfettered capitalist same as the republicans; the opposition between the two is not ideological but political due to the two parties representing different capitalist's interests


HenryKrinkle posted:

because a lot of people less fortunate and less privileged than me would suffer even more under Romney.


Hm which kill method would be more humane *agonizes over methods of torture*
you shouldn't vote for the lesser evil or for anyone at all for that matter because by voting you implicitly legitimize the electoral system and the united states government

subvert it by doing a bunch of useless and confusing write-ins


GoldenLionTamarin posted:

Lessons posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

because a lot of people less fortunate and less privileged than me would suffer even more under Romney.

maybe you should make electoral decisions on principle rather than trying to run some utilitarian calculus on which wealthy warmonger soothes your privilege guilt the most

its cool that both of these posts are just "Privilege". Privilege. Ya got privilege

not theyre not moron


clanzy posted:

oh, you vote based off how something would materially affect people. i prefer to vote based off, you know, IDEOLOGY, and, PRINCIPLE. you know, things that Actually matter *smokes an entire pack of swishers in less than a minute*

While you're over there voting on so-called "principle" and "having dignity", I'll be saving the world by voting for Obama. Problem?

i'm voting for obama because i know he will help the less fortunate and less privileged minorities of america with his proto-socialist policy of giving every less privileged person 3 hots and a cot.
lol obama's gonna lose because 25%+ of blacks are sitting this one out due to him saying homos are okay that one time and when their medicaid and ssi gets zeroed out they'll deserve it
it's cool looking at american politics from the outside, where people vote for the candidate they want to and the idea of voting 'pragmatically' never crosses their mind

peepaw posted:

lol obama's gonna lose because 25%+ of blacks are sitting this one out due to him saying homos are okay that one time and when their medicaid and ssi gets zeroed out they'll deserve it

of course obozo will do the same thing so joke's on them either way


peepaw posted:

lol obama's gonna lose because 25%+ of blacks are sitting this one out due to him saying homos are okay that one time and when their medicaid and ssi gets zeroed out they'll deserve it

he's obviously going to win and this is a stupid annoying argument regardless

i think it is perfectly alright to hope for obama to win just for the satisfaction of seeing a black man defeat a white man
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:

you shouldn't vote for the lesser evil or for anyone at all for that matter because by voting you implicitly legitimize the electoral system and the united states government

yes to first, no to second - ron paul 2016

the white-nonwhite and white-black electoral split has become so pronounced that i sincerely believe that it is impossible for a non-hispanic member of the republican party to win a national election against a competent opponent. at this point we've got a white party and a state capitalist party. don't presume any ideology about the republican party that does not stem from their whiteness.
[account deactivated]

HenryKrinkle posted:

is there any rational argument for refraining from voting for Barack Hussein Obama in the 2012 US presidential election that isn't based on pie in the sky revolutionary accelerationism or contrarian nihilism about how nothing really matters since everything is fucked anyways?

just curious.

The two parties get worse every single year. If every single year we vote for the lesser evil, we're just going to get more evil next year. The democrats are a right wing party. That they pay lip service to being left wing while jailing people forever without trial, start wars, and pine for the same corporate bucks, is what they are really about.

They have to act like a left wing party to get my vote this time. They had a majority in both houses and still couldn't get single payer or a public option passed, but not because republican put up an opposition to it. They oppose healthcare reform. They take money from the insurance industry and the banks just like the republicans. They represent private property just as much as Romney.


Goethestein posted:

the white-nonwhite and white-black electoral split has become so pronounced that i sincerely believe that it is impossible for a non-hispanic member of the republican party to win a national election against a competent opponent. at this point we've got a white party and a state capitalist party. don't presume any ideology about the republican party that does not stem from their whiteness.

the american political system has never not consisted of a white party and a party for everything else


peepaw posted:

the american political system has never not consisted of a white party

[account deactivated]
Death is certain
i guess ill vote for write-in candidate "Adolf Hitler" then

tpaine posted:

1. Admit you are in a self-destructive relationship with the Democratic Party.

2. Remove conflicting bumper stickers from your collection. “Shut Down Guantanamo” and “Obama 2012” are mutually exclusive.

3. Understand that kill lists and more unjust war is the wrong kind of change to believe in.

4. Stop lying to yourself. The President is not sucking up to the most powerful interests in the world because he loves you.

5. Cut off all contact with Obama, Holder, Clinton and Pelosi. No more phone calls or writing letters. They are aware of what they are doing and they just don't care what you think.

6. Realize Obama is standing up and fighting. Unfortunately, he’s fighting Afghans, Pakistanis, Yeminis, Somalis…in your name.

7. No more excuses. The Republicans are not making Democrats increase domestic spying or deport record numbers of Latinos.

8. Get over your romantic feelings for Democrats and their supposed commitment to poor people. This election cycle, poverty is not on the agenda.

9. Make a list of all war crimes committed under Bush. Cross out “Bush” and write in Obama. Add support for indefinite detention without charge, expanded drone wars, and invasions of two more countries. It’s healthy to gag at it.

10. Come to grips with this: The only thing scarier than the Republican Party ( a party full of climate-change deniers, fundamentalist woman-haters and gay-bashers, election stealers and racists ) is a party who continually moves to the right to accommodate them and gets Americans to go along in that direction.

11. Forgive yourself for being taken in by promises that were not delivered, and for ignoring troubling signs, because you wanted to believe in change. But remember, insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.

12. As a result of these steps, you can now carry the message to those who still suffer from an addiction to the Democratic Party. Nothing is as liberating as resisting an evil when you know it’s wrong.

Edited by ilmdge ()


ilmdge posted:


"THOSE TITS" -youtube


RJFire posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

is there any rational argument for refraining from voting for Barack Hussein Obama in the 2012 US presidential election that isn't based on pie in the sky revolutionary accelerationism or contrarian nihilism about how nothing really matters since everything is fucked anyways?

just curious.

The two parties get worse every single year. If every single year we vote for the lesser evil, we're just going to get more evil next year. The democrats are a right wing party. That they pay lip service to being left wing while jailing people forever without trial, start wars, and pine for the same corporate bucks, is what they are really about.

They have to act like a left wing party to get my vote this time. They had a majority in both houses and still couldn't get single payer or a public option passed, but not because republican put up an opposition to it. They oppose healthcare reform. They take money from the insurance industry and the banks just like the republicans. They represent private property just as much as Romney.

oh word?

im bonerman85
I have Fail AIDS.
So if i live in a swing the state, the answer is...?

libelous_slander posted:

So if i live in a swing the state, the answer is...?

Killing yourself


libelous_slander posted:

So if i live in a swing the state, the answer is...?

Killing yourself


libelous_slander posted:

So if i live in a swing the state, the answer is...?

vote romney, but scowl while doing so

Swing the State