germanjoey posted:
who the fuck is gonna spend $450 bucks on a fucking obama pin collection
i guess you're too poor to understand what lapel means
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germanjoey posted:
i will wear this for $1000
babyfinland posted:germanjoey posted: will wear this for $1000
Barrack's Best Friend
discipline posted:
I would rather stab myself in the stomach and throw myself in traffic than vote for barack obama. I am literally offended that anyone irl thinks I should/would vote for him. do they think so little of me??
we're not asking you to joystick a predator drone on to pakistani children or something here, we're looking for a vote in a presidential race. and a phonebank. and a button collection purchase. and a credit card max-out. and a beef jerky purchase.
discipline posted:
I can't believe you said the N word you racist. racist.
i was quoting the old d&d thread which means it wasn't really me saying it.
getfiscal posted:
i don't even think there is any statistical reason to vote. the only people who really matter in election campaigns are like people with money or people who can convince thousands of people to do what they want. so like unless you are a union bureaucrat or banker or something you are basically irrelevant to american presidential politics. but i think it is probably good to vote or something if you want to because it sort of affirms your position in society in a weird way. like it says "this is the sort of society i want" and says you are willing to compromise with people about that too. so let's vote for barack obama, who is a good man and a fine father.
what if youre one of those thousands
discipline posted:
you know that beef jerky is really pretty good
yeah i often think to myself, "is there some way i can fill my mouth with salt, but also get repulsive meat involved?"
babyfinland posted:
what if youre one of those thousands
well the chances that you are substantially going to affect the outcome are essentially zero. obviously in some weird kantian way obviously if almost everyone took the advice not to vote (which i'm not giving) then we would end up with a bad result. but as a matter of personal action it isn't like your decision to smoke up instead of voting for ron paul or whatever is going to change things.

getfiscal posted:babyfinland posted:what if youre one of those thousands
well the chances that you are substantially going to affect the outcome are essentially zero. obviously in some weird kantian way obviously if almost everyone took the advice not to vote (which i'm not giving) then we would end up with a bad result. but as a matter of personal action it isn't like your decision to smoke up instead of voting for ron paul or whatever is going to change things.
discipline posted:
you know that beef jerky is really pretty good
it really is, its so fucking delicious...
aerdil posted:
zizek said that his contacts in chicago who know obama say he is a total atheist. he just knows that is political suicide to admit publicly. so im sorry but i cant vote for a godless heathen.
did he add some shit about how god is himself an atheist and how we can see in this paradox that the subject is prevented from true atheism. in fact, remember the case of wheaties: a carb-heavy cereal that does little to promote health, but we associate it with health because of the athletes on the box. is this not like the capitalist economy writ large? because we look at the rich and see beautiful celebrities and assume the basic foundation is sound, when in fact it is rotten and so on and so on
germanjoey posted:
it really is, its so fucking delicious...
in america does "delicious" mean "more salt than the dead sea combined with meats that couldn't be fed to pigs with a good conscience"
getfiscal posted:aerdil posted:
zizek said that his contacts in chicago who know obama say he is a total atheist. he just knows that is political suicide to admit publicly. so im sorry but i cant vote for a godless heathen.did he add some shit about how god is himself an atheist and how we can see in this paradox that the subject is prevented from true atheism. in fact, remember the case of wheaties: a carb-heavy cereal that does little to promote health, but we associate it with health because of the athletes on the box. is this not like the capitalist economy writ large? because we look at the rich and see beautiful celebrities and assume the basic foundation is sound, when in fact it is rotten and so on and so on
zizek slobbers and is gross and neurotic so we associate him with authentic anti-capitalist theory. is this not like my jorts shart large
discipline posted:
aahhaa what's your point, that perhaps I should have read more philosophy before deciding it was mostly a hack skip (that's british english for dumpster) for aristocracy?
well you know i love ya but if your encounter with philosophy ended with endorsing the idea of books written by micromanagerial spirit beings then i think you did it wrong
aerdil posted:
actually god is dead and marx is alive, sorry for both of you.
this woman is the head of the IMF and i think she looks like she'd have a lot of advice for james bond.