Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia posted:
Good morning to Syrian children only
— Heshmat Alavi's Trenchcoat (@UrOrientalist) February 27, 2021
بعد شعورهما بأعراض خفيفة تشبه أعراض الإصابة بفايروس كوفيد - 19 أجرى الرئيس #الأسد والسيدة #أسماء_الأسد فحص الـ PCR وأظهرت النتيجة إصابتهما بالفايروس علماً أنهما بصحة جيدة وحالتهما مستقرة وسيتابعان عملهما خلال قضائهما فترة الحجر الصحي المنزلي التي ستستمر لأسبوعين أو ثلاثة أسابيع.
— Syrian Presidency (@Presidency_Sy) March 8, 2021
After feeling mild symptoms similar to those of infection with Covid-19 virus, the President met #الأسد And mrs #أسماء_الأسد Examination of the PCR and the result showed that they were infected with the virus, knowing that they are in good health and in stable condition, and they will continue their work during their home quarantine period, which will last for two or three weeks.
Synergy posted:a nice overview of the last 10 years:
Synergy posted:i'm not sure how the Grayzone discussing the imperialist destruction of Syria is the equivalent to farting, you'll have to enlighten me here
Grover Furr's prolific writing has been the only positive thing in the last 10 years
Constantignoble posted:uncle joe cracks an ice cold pabst (presidential authorization to bomb syrian territory)
i've never complimented someone on an acronym b4
and i'm not going to start now
cars posted:Nikki Haley has no conscience. She's going to run for president of United States some day and win.
wonder if it’s this time……..
cars posted:
in more important news: this is really paying off for the U.S. in terms of post-earthquake Arab death. But it has been relatively difficult for them to pin it on Damascus in the global press, despite their best efforts. Even the hacks on Democracy Now briefly allowed a guest’s anti-sanctions messaging to slip through to their tiny demographic wedge of a domestic U.S. audience.
so i guess now the question is, will the former SAR be allowed enough stability to become a dysfunctional ethnoreligious-confessional Lebanon II, or will they go straight to "soul-grinding Libya II"
the most optimistic commentators i've seen have been supposing that maybe the Muslim Brotherhood elements are at the head of the current HTS & Pals iteration and between that, the immediate "buffer zone" land grab, and the general population's disposition, this *might* not just be a vichy situation. i don't know enough to evaluate that claim, but the times i've been most grievously wrong in the last five years have been the times i've allowed myself to hope, so it's probably wrong
Edited by Sunday ()
so will House Joulani cease kanly with the Watermelon Guildsmaster Erdogan to ensure the regional atomics are pointed squarely at Bene Jineoloji?
Constantignoble posted:so i guess now the question is, will the former SAR be allowed enough stability to become a dysfunctional ethnoreligious-confessional Lebanon II, or will they go straight to "soul-grinding Libya II"
i would guess the latter