NEW: Kim Jong Un attended the opening of a fertilizer factory on May 1, in his first public appearance in weeks. - KCNA
— Norbert Elekes (@NorbertElekes) May 2, 2020
toyot posted:kim jong un carries on the military resistance against white power and oversaw the development of the hydrogen bomb in a nation forced to make their textiles out of rock due to U$ naval control around the peninsula. these are amazing technical feats by the class and its leadership. incredibly disrespectful thread but maybe 20% of the posters here are paid by the state to tarnish its enemies, and if that's an overestimate and people are disrespecting a class leader here for free then shame on you. peace between our nations means all amerikans out of korea and its waters.
Web site Posters with CIA backing are tarnishing kim jong un's prized silverware, and frankly, i'm sick of it
Kim Jong Un reportedly in a coma as his sister Kim Yo Jong takes control
— New York Post (@nypost) August 23, 2020
Wow! third coma this year, sleepy boi loves his rest
kornfan posted:the legendary hat trick.... they said it couldn’t be done....
No need to apologize Jong-un, we know you're doing your best
cars posted:The address was peppered with ominous words such as “gravy challenges”, “countless fourth meals” and “unprecedented dessert stares,” according to media accounts.
Gonna take a wild guess and say it's for skiing.
— Ian Goodrum (@isgoodrum) April 11, 2021
cars posted:Gonna take a wild guess and say it's for skiing.
— Ian Goodrum (@isgoodrum) April 11, 2021
this stuff always reads exactly the same as gangstalking delusions. remember to take your meds, america :)
cars posted:Gonna take a wild guess and say it's for skiing.
— Ian Goodrum (@isgoodrum) April 11, 2021
I was applying for random jobs recently and one of them was as a scenario writer or whatever at some content mill trashplace (it was a european branch of this place and they sent me a follow-up e-mail which included two 'samples' you were supposed to write around, the first of which was
Could North Korea And Russia Team Up To Destroy The US?
(Facts checked)
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was North Korea's lifeline, providing weapons, supplies,
training, and even some limited military assistance to the North Korean government. While US
and Soviet troops never clashed on the ground on the Korean peninsula, Soviet fighters provided
some limited cover over certain parts of North Korea, though refused North Korea's requests to
fly frontline combat support against American jets. Without the Soviet Union, North Korea
would have fallen to the South, and today the hermit kingdom and the Kim family would not
exist- a very obvious win for all of humanity.
Today, Russia engages in only minor trade with the internationally shunned kingdom, and no
longer directly finances or supports it. With North Korea owing its existence to the old Soviet
Union though, could North Korea repay that favor by teaming up with modern Russia against its
greatest international rival: the United States? Could North Korea and Russia team up to destroy
the US?
We've looked at a potential conflict between the US and Russia before, and already determined
that the Russian military is simply not capable of winning a war against the American military.
The modern Russian military is made up of just over 1 million active-duty personnel, with US
forces numbering at about 1.4 million. There isn't just a numbers disparity though, as there is
also a training and morale disparity between the two militaries- despite attempts to move to an
all-volunteer force by the Russian military, it is still overwhelmingly made up of conscripts,
versus an all-volunteer military fielded by the United States. Conscripts historically greatly
underperform versus volunteer military forces, and suffer both from morale and training issues-
two things which would be of grave concern to a Russia fighting an uphill war against a more
technologically capable opponent.
and the second one was some random Standard Factoid. I looked at the rest of the channel and it seems like its basically the same formula all the way through, with 90% of the videos being generic and the rest being heavy-handed imperialist propaganda, almost exclusively about North Korea. the whole thing is so singular in tone i wouldnt be surprised if broadcasting through these horrible cartoon clickbait mills wasnt a single project. there was also guidelines for how to basically do propaganda in a friendly way (you can't show drug use but you can show a bag labelled COCAINE, you cant show someone getting hit but you can show the moment before etc)
ribaraca posted:I was applying for random jobs recently and one of them was as a scenario writer or whatever at some content mill trashplace (it was a european branch of this place and they sent me a follow-up e-mail which included two 'samples' you were supposed to write around, the first of which was
Could North Korea And Russia Team Up To Destroy The US?
(Facts checked)
. . . . Without the Soviet Union, North Korea
would have fallen to the South, and today the hermit kingdom and the Kim family would not exist- a very obvious win for all of humanity.
. . . . We've looked at a potential conflict between the US and Russia before, and already determined that the Russian military is simply not capable of winning a war against the American military.
hahaha holy shit... imo it would be cool if you wrote more of this up, it deserves its own thread
ribaraca posted:to countries in eastern europe at basically the same pay-grade as it would be in america
shit time for me to switch careers
ribaraca posted:i dont know why an american based company would outsource the production of its apolitical propaganda content, intended for an american audience, to countries in eastern europe at basically the same pay-grade as it would be in america, but im assuming its for non-shady and perfectly fine reasons
The CIA is theoretically not allowed to make domestic propaganda, by both institutional mandate and actual laws, obviously this is no obstacle in practice. The legal barriers have also been stripped down over the past 20 years (THANKS OBAMA) but I think there's still enough there that they have to jump through a couple easy hoops.