kinch posted:iirc 'feeding ham 2 cats' posted about getting a visit from the secret service when he said he lived in DC and was going to shoot down air force one with an rpg. not lf but twisty also got an interview, at the conclusion of which the agent, while walking out the door, turned back and said 'you really are a twisted aristocrat.' in any case lf was deleted because they couldn't find anyone to mod it
it was marine one, the helicopter. good times
edit: solved the sliding block puzzle
Edited by 88888 ()
2020 goty, for me, is yakuza like a dragon. still playing it but im almost done. the turn based combat works great and overall i think this is both my favourite yakuza game to date and my favourite jrpg.
the other big game of 2020 that i played was cyberpunk. lol. overall i rate this game as just okay. i loved the setting and some of the characters and story beats were cool. mostly though the story was a bit tired and tiring, and there were gaping holes throughout the game and its systems indicating where the cut content should have been. maybe i'll pick it up again in a couple of years once incremental improvements and additions have turned it into something closer to what was promised. probably not though
after yakuza i'll turn my attention to some older games. i was just recently given a free ps3 from a relative who'd been using it as a DVD player for their youngest kid and no longer needed it. turned out to be an easily hackable model so now i have a way to try all the ps2 & ps3 games i missed for not having a console thru those generations. some of the games i'm keen to play: nier, drakengard 2 & 3, tokyo jungle, raw danger, yakuza: dead souls, god hand, ico hd, critical velocity.
thank you for reading my january 2021 video game post, in this, the 2020 video games thread.
karphead posted:been playing noita lately, you're a witch with wands blowing up the world, here's my latest death from my deepest run so far, i was ascending and got polymorphed and dieded
https://t.co/JdRru8p8Mn pic.twitter.com/infGDPJwdS
— Brendan Hesse (@Brendan_LH) January 20, 2021
47, 3, 69, 36, 17, 1, 51, 13, 87, 19
for an average of 34.3
this months games:
40, 35, 21, 78, 71, 25, 29, 64, 49, 63
average of 47.5
verdict; i have improved
A boss theme from PS1 RPG #Xenogears always stood out for using a voice sample that had, for many years, gone unidentified. Then a 2015 documentary on Hollywood actor Marlon Brando revealed it was from a criminal trial for Marlon's son, Christian.
— RPGFan (dot com) (@rpgfancom) January 24, 2021
Interesting? (And so random) o_O pic.twitter.com/liZiwQJjga
tears posted:solo
didnt know covid hit faerun lol
Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia posted:I finished Yakuza and have now thrown myself properly into Nier. I have no idea if I'd be so taken with it if I hadn't first played Automata but wow, these games are brilliant.
the gameplay is a bit less refined than in Automata, but i stand by my earlier remarks that the first nier is the stronger work of fiction with a better cast, and the party's personalities play off one another very well. all in all, you're in for a treat
just don't go for 100%; some of the sidequests are basically designed to troll completionists. that said, i found it worthwhile to play through to all the endings, and would recommend same
(if there's some bit of content you are curious about but rightly refuse to pursue — like the horrible farming minigame — there's always this, which covers everything)
Constantignoble posted:just don't go for 100%; some of the sidequests are basically designed to troll completionists. that said, i found it worthwhile to play through to all the endings, and would recommend same
100%ing games never made sense to me, like, way to suck the joy out of something you love. but i happily played enough of automata to get
so i'm sure i'll be able to do the equivalent here. thanks for that link.
you fuck with any of the drakengards? after messing around with each of them for a few minutes i think 1 is basically unplayable but idk whether the other ones are worth investing much time... i did watch a video of the drakengard 1 ending that connects with nier though, that was cool
cars posted:wondering how many GME bux it took to make former poster Keven disappear his Twitter account. rip
s/o to the guy i posted with ten years ago who deleted his account having now become a millionaire and no longer has to do road construction. lmao
— joolsd (@joolsd) January 27, 2021
cars posted:wondering how many GME bux it took to make former poster Keven disappear his Twitter account. rip
lol he was posting about his stock escapades for the past few weeks, and it was making his twitter bad, but those posts definitely did include investing in gamestop extensively well before it took off so yeah. Hes rich now
Keven posted:I'm still pretty sure mtw is objectively correct revolutionary science but it's no way for me to live my life. Sorry everyone.
Edit nvm I think I get it. There was an existing group of short sellers and a katamari ball of redditors decided to bet on the stock to the hilt. So a bunch of money transferred from 'traditional' investors to Robin hood reddit types. That wave is probably over and all the kids and kids at heart will be losing their shirts on the bubble now, right?
Also how many of you are secret degenerate gamblers? We heed a gytd forum.
Edited by Belphegor ()
You can probably ignore any of the crude pseudo-producerist, pseudo-moral language wafting around it, that's just an easy sell among the sort of retail support they needed. That pitch worked too, as what the successful bettors needed (and arguably still need) were and are cult-of-the-hour types, to provide that retail support, and Elon Musk has successfully presented short selling anything as evil and immoral to his sizable business-news-skimming cult because he felt short selling threatened his then-current deathtrap-car grift (until Tesla settled on the emission-credit grift as their real core business and brought their stock price up that way). Of course an argument that you should never bet against anything is like declaring that all roads should be downhill both ways, it's nonsense, which is also why it doesn't really matter that it's nonsense.
Though probably some of the people who made a lot of money this week genuinely believe in it, that's how ideology works, that's how ideology works, that's how ideology works, three times and it's true, even better if something noisy happens to happen at the same time...
I was looking back at the pdf-forum ultraviolet conspiracy-theory thread about UFOs, thinking about stuff like this—the money I did make off the last few days, late to the party, tangentially involved someone reminding me about the Meme Kid who got his shit kicked in by the Oath Keepers in 2017, before your average 40-something mega-divorced Troop knew what a "meme" was, this kid who just waded in with a bunch of swastikas and shouted gibberish at people he thought were his pals... and now all the Oath Keepers definitely know what memes are.
Not talking about this forum specifically at all on this next part... I still post here because it's an exception. But I'm still stunned how hard it is, it feels like every single time it's just as difficult, to circle a lot of "leftists" in moments like these back to the reality of ideology, to how the most diehard and "hardnosed" cynicism can't capture it or understand it, how e.g. your average Venezuelan booj-family expat really does believe their CIA-backed hijinx will bring democracy and freedom to a hellscape dystopia of fasco-communist dictatorship, and that's why their families fit in so well in the United States, home of the free. Guaido went around declaring himself and his friends The Avengers, and if somehow the CIA had installed him he'd be sure he was right, he'd probably have Disney artists finishing up a superhero mural on the ceiling of Miraflores Palace right now. If something works for someone, asking themselves whether their idea of what happened makes sense... that isn't on the top of most people's lists, and that part itself makes a lot of sense.
Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia posted:i had a look at reddit and everyone there is talking about how this is "the endgame" and how everyone should hold on with "diamond hands 💎🙌". the one bet im willing to take is that we see at least one or two suicides in the near future as these lemmings watch their newfound millions evaporate
it's all people pumping each other up acting like they're doing This is Sparta or something and spamming HOLD THE LINE BROTHER at each other and it somehow worked in getting the stock to bounce an extra $200+ after the initial short squeeze and soon all the people who really believe they're in 300 are going to lose everything. Or it just keeps going up forever for some reason like bitcoin, purely as a speculative interest and completely untethered from all actual value
Hello Mr. President Biden please to help me my family my father he is the hedge fund manager and he says we are poor now I am very scared please to be drone strike the Reddit Head Quarters please to be helping us many thank you goodbye pic.twitter.com/r1AwoElHJL
— D. K. Dharmaraj (@DK_Dharmaraj) January 28, 2021
Edited by ilmdge ()
i don't know any precedent for a mobilization of this nature — one that i doubt very much could happen until very recently in history, and one that has priests of mammon in a tizzy. this certainly isn't "praxis," but there's bound to be some aspect of it that should be learned from, properly framed in terms of conflict between petit and haute bourgeois.
(also amusing: the first time the "robinhood" app actually fills a role even remotely resembling its namesake, it panics and restricts trading)
I’ve come to accept that this is not really Lucy and the football, it really is a form of amnesia. They don’t realize they’re using commercials they overheard as kids to define their politics. But if they never knew what “class war” meant, to the extent that they think it means individuals engaging in stock speculation, could they really “forget” it? I don’t know, maybe people should set reminders on their phones to read Marx