Constantignoble posted:new emerging genre of recurring anxiety dreams identified: my late guinea pigs (last one d. 2016) have in fact been alive this whole time, but just severely neglected and in very poor health
for years I had nearly identical dreams about my late herps (RIP), but most often about reptiles I had never even owned
i was trying to help a friend patch things up with his father, a Ghanaian developmental economist. at one point i was mediating the discussion by roleplaying as said friend, like a displaced conversation thing? idk
growing bold, i volunteer: "Well, we could talk about my time in school. Ask me anything!"
the father responds: "About your studies in economics, or philosophy?"
"Well, uh-..." I glance nervously at my friend.
His dad continues: "Have you learned the truth that all of mankind's accomplishments, great or minuscule, have been in search of silence?"
"Well, no — actually, get back to me about that later, because that sounds super interesting — but maybe I overreached on that one."
I proceed to express that I (still proxying) was sorry for having made him feel like I was pushing him away. "I DO want you in my life," I insist, "But I'm hurting."
That seemed to strike a useful chord with both of them, so I walked away through the crowd that had amassed while the two of them picked up the conversation. A short while later the crowd started applauding, so I think it went well?
then someone at the edge of the crowd sneezed in my face and partly into my open mouth, so i woke up frantically spitting
sovnarkoman posted:that depends, are you armenian or greek or kurdish or arab?
monkeydonian 2nd gen diaspora; all baklava is delicious poison on account of a genetic disposition to diabeetus
Woman introduces me to her roommate in their kitchen, who, upon hearing my white, suburban-sounding accent, incredulously says, "Es tan güero." To prove I understood, I snap back, "He is so white!" realizing right as the words leave my mouth that she had actually said, "Es tan guapo." I figure out that the woman I'm hanging out with, as we're leaving, didn't understand her and is just like, "huh?" at how I acted. I slink away with a mixture of feeling not-Latino-enough, embarrassment, and vanity, all in one, haha.

jiroemon1897 posted:I virtually never remember my dreams, but did for once from last night:
Woman introduces me to her roommate in their kitchen, who, upon hearing my white, suburban-sounding accent, incredulously says, "Es tan güero." To prove I understood, I snap back, "He is so white!" realizing right as the words leave my mouth that she had actually said, "Es tan guapo." I figure out that the woman I'm hanging out with, as we're leaving, didn't understand her and is just like, "huh?" at how I acted. I slink away with a mixture of feeling not-Latino-enough, embarrassment, and vanity, all in one, haha.
serafiym posted:i had a dream that someone (i forgot who) turned into a giant wolf and then dissolved into what could only be described as destroyed paper-machet. sounds like a badass gotye music video when i describe it.
that was me
Acdtrux posted:had a dream about a youtube short film where there were time-travelling cigarette-smoking rats invading a woman's house. The movie ended when one of the rats crawled into the woman's mouth.
edit: they couldn't be stopped because they could time-travel
leave me alone
my dream, my nightmare
A crowd of angry right wing rioters successfully breach the Capitol building. Their target: controversial anti-imperialist communist Congressman Alfonso Escobar (played by Donald Hughes). The mob storm his office and break down the office bathroom door to find him sitting on the toilet.
FASCIST IN A FUR PELT: You China-loving commie!
CONG. ESCOBAR: Uh, actually China is reformist.
there's like don't obvious sorry of rust here that I'm not going to genuine but appreciate it sound have been pretty crisis's just i give they're
Edited by zhaoyao ()
招瑤 posted:there's like don't obvious sorry of rust here that I'm not going to genuine but appreciate it sound have been pretty crisis's just i give they're
I come in late and it's just this giant room where all the desks are arranged stadium-style around a central point like a congress hall but much bigger. It's completely quiet and they're about to show us our morning warm-up activity that we do before we start coding or whatever.
Then they bring us an assortment of different kinds of Indian food and sushi, show each dish to us individually, and tell us to break out into groups to write an R&B song about the food. Then I woke up.
I had one last night where I was in a library using a computer and there was the faint sound of rock music coming out of the machine whenever I performed certain tasks. I was playing "snake" and I kept trying to mute the whole computer because I was already a little embarrassed about playing video games on a library computer, but the sounds kept groaning out of somewhere. I say somewhere because I couldn't find where the speakers were.
I asked one of the librarians for help fixing it, and he was grumpy but a colleague of his was a pretty young woman who came and helped me. In real life I've been studying some sysadmin stuff and this informed my dream, I felt like I had recently acquired knowledge that would be useful. So I pulled up a Windows powershell and ran some commands and whatnot, and the nice librarian was explaining to me that there was some computer virus on the machine that was making the sounds.
The computer itself had an old black plastic CRT television for a monitor so I thought, hey, let's just turn off the physical volume on the monitor, but that didn't solve anything. Even when we turned the computer off the sounds didn't disappear. The people around us reading books started to get annoyed that we were talking through how to fix the computer and shushed us. "Sorry," I said. "I know it's annoying having to hear us talking it out now but if we figure out how to fix it now it'll just be one day of distraction, instead of this low-level distraction every day."
Somehow we ascertained that the noises weren't actually coming from the computer, but from a basement under the floor of the level we were standing on, so we went down, and everything became dark and dirty and dusty and there was someone or something down there with us, and shadows running across the walls, and faces full of teeth and flesh at the four-framed windows of wooden doors. It all became very confusing at that point and hallucinatory, and I felt strongly like I was hunted, and this feeling continued for what felt like awhile, a high intensity feeling with flight and evasion and terror, until I woke up for whatever reason.
I went off for a walk and came across this guy named Axel who I had actually met in real life in D.C. years ago, and in real life had seen in Paris for a drink back in 2018 after I'd had a fever. In real life he's very skinny, but in the dream he'd put on a lot of weight, and I asked what he was doing in Paris, and he was very evasive and shook me off. I wandered back to the table by the butchers. It was like 1 A.M. now and all the butchers were closing up. Police were stalking around angrily telling people to go home because it was past curfew. My father came back and invited me up to an apartment, which I recognized as a family member of mine's who lives in Paris in real life. I asked where she was and he said evasively he didn't know, he'd just been staying there for a couple of weeks since he got into town.
I was filled with suspicion but the dark feeling of the dream shifted more to a feeling of like a murder mystery. So it wasn't scary in any sense, but exciting. I went around making inquiries but woke up before finding any resolution to the mystery.