swampman posted:this thread is still embarrassing
No... U
the exposures he's talking about are also clearly in context the direct publication of internal state information, not some blanket dismissal of critique as you seem to be implying
the point is that this is simply not what the current conditions are, by any feasible interpretation. lenin explicitly describes the non-militaristic execution of imperialist goals that we're experiencing now in those very theses. a balance of power in which the agreements of the arch-imperialist powers allows the predatory strangling of the weaker nations
your invocation of "war by other means" is useless in this context -- lenin explicitly and avowedly followed clausewitz, in his direct interpretation war is a continuation of policy by other means. war by other means against the weak nations is the norm of imperialist peace.
i'm clearly not making anything like lessons' argument, the existence of active military mobilisation clearly existed in syria, this isn't some shifting arbitrary principle
that's what lenin is explicitly discussing in the words preceding swampman's excerpt he conveniently left out, and it's not what anyone here or in any of the relevant revolutionary parties is doing
Edited by c_woman ()
lenin simply wasn't arguing whatever is being implied he was, and if you want to argue that your interpretation is in the spirit of lenin's intention then you have to actually argue that instead of posting an out of context quote from an intellectual authority as if it's an own on everyone
you can make whatever extrapolations about lenin's intention you like but none of them are captured in the sole fragment that was posted
Really phenomenal analysis of US-China trade and the economic impetus behind “trade war” rhetoric from the US. I’ll highlight one bit but definitely read all of it
What our results show is that the United States, as a world hegemonic power, is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain its advantage and come out on top of this competition, and therefore to bear all the implications of free trade, for which it once defined the rules to its advantage. China has indeed succeeded in significantly reducing the importance of this unequal exchange, with its disadvantage in the transfer of wealth gradually diminishing: the proportion of this unfavorable transfer in the Chinese added value fell from -3.7 percent to -0.9 percent between 1995 and 2014. As a matter of fact, China had to trade fifty hours of Chinese labor for one hour of U.S. labor in 1995, but only seven in 2014.
On top of this, the sectoral analyses that can be drawn from the application of our second method of calculating unequal exchange are very enlightening. Although forty-three out of the fifty-five sectors of activity (78 percent of them) considered by our study between 1995 and 2014 highlight transfers of value directed from China to the United States (the most significant being textile, clothing, and leather-goods manufacturing, as well as the manufacturing of furniture and other supplies), twelve other sectors are at the origin of transfers of values going in the opposite direction—that is, operating to the detriment of the United States. These latter activities include: the manufacturing of computer, electronic, and optical products (with $6.9 billion transferred from the United States to China in 2014); agriculture and farming; hunting and hunting-related activities ($3.1 billion); the manufacturing of motor vehicles and trailer and semi-trailer services ($1.1 billion); and the manufacturing of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations ($422 million, still calculated for 2014).

Sounds pretty serious! I had my doubts about your pitch for a "dark and gritty modern fantasy" campaign Greg, but that's a neat concept. Rolling up a character now.

My Paladin of CIA casts "Detect Evil" on the diplomat and *dice rolling noises* yup, Always Chaotic Evil. Thought you could slip one by me with all this "Socialism" business huh Greg? Your Dungeon Master skills are weak, now the so-called "Peace Ambassador" will answer to my +2 Long Sword.

Happy birthday Greg, I hope this book helps with your planning! I hear it includes not only the standard monster manual content but also lots of player class and race options, like the cunning "Exotic Oriental" and the badass "Libertarian-Socialist," a wizard antihero who uses the dark magics of the enemy for the good of the Free Market.

How much longer long will the world tolerate the social imperialism of the PRC's cruel monopoly on the plant Bamboo, which famously does not grow anywhere else in Asia due to the machinations of their evil druids? Roll for initiative.
cars posted:Not Sure the Falun Gong line is that the CCP is social-imperialist
sounds like a skill check. roll either Knowledge: Orientalism or Profession: State Department. Divination magic is also acceptable of course, but you might want to ration your spells per day because we're not getting a proper long rest until the US election finishes.
capitalist expansion. Some of the points made might have already been treaded here but nonetheless may be of interest to know how they're seeing it. I would also note that articles here seem to be a bit more rhetorical and for a (relatively) wider audience.
However way this pans out, the Philippines has a tremendous stake and risk: no thanks to the successive puppet presidents and greedy bureaucrat capitalists. While the country has remained as a US neocolony, the Duterte regime also practically behaves like a vassal to China. ###
In a recent CPP statement about the turnaround success of the New People's Army, they also called on their forces to target Chinese companies and military bases that are actively involved in exploiting the country and its lands:
In particular, the revolutionary movement must take effort to frustrate plans of the Duterte regime to allow the further expansion of Chinese companies, especially those involved in the construction of seven Chinese military bases and in the plunder and destruction of Philippine marine resources in the West Philippine Sea in violation of Philippine sovereignty. Some of these same Chinese companies are involved in some big-ticket infrastructure projects for the construction of mining roads and dams that are encroaching deeper and deeper into the ancestral lands of the national minorities and forests in various parts of the country. These infrastructure projects not only displace thousands of peasants and minorities from their lands, they also wreak havoc to the natural ecosystem of the country’s remaining forests.
Not to say the Filipino communists right just because they're revolutionaries from the "periphery". But one has to wonder, at some point, maybe, the CCP, isn't all its been cracked up to be by some?
lurkers are CSIS, they're actually supposed to be posting but too scared :(
Acdtrux posted:US and other superpowers have openly and discreetly backed the Hongkong protests. The people of Hongkong can very well accept such support
I'm afraid this is not a dialectical statement :/
i didnt know CPP were pro-Kurd
Value transfers aren’t just about resources, it’s baked into the unequal exchange and the artificially low prices of consumer goods enjoyed by the global north. The global north consumer/bourgeois class alliance are the main beneficiaries so far, not the Chinese proletariat or national bourgeoisie.
liceo posted:€uro-amerikkkan imperialists cutting africa up:
China: A Modern "Social-Imperialist Power", gluing it back together with train tracks:
Most of these lines go to ports to export raw materials. That being said I don't think this map is accurate.
liceo posted:€uro-amerikkkan imperialists cutting africa up:
China: A Modern "Social-Imperialist Power", gluing it back together with train tracks:
is the argument here that imperialists arent known to build railroads?
Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia posted:after reading this thread i have come to the conclusion that china is bad and america is good, actually.
Joe Biden is more communist than Xi Jinping