An Adam Sandler movie called "The Savant". It starts with Adam Sandler playing a successful college football coach. He has no background in sports, so he's asked how he came to be such a great coach. He says he was always obsessed with college football, and learned everything there was to know just by reading and watching. Then there's a flashback to his obsessive days.
Interior of an old abandoned warehouse. We see that a huge portion of the walls are covered in newspaper clippings, tens of thousands of them, about college football. Then a hand comes in from off-screen and pastes another article on on the wall with some sort of clear, viscous glue. The camera turns, and it's Adam Sandler, disheveled and dead-eyed. His tongue is swollen and hanging limp from his mouth, 5 or 6 inches long, nearly dried out, covered in callouses and cuts. He takes another clipping, drags it across his tongue, giving himself a papercut in the process, and pastes it on the wall. He does this maybe four more times before I wake up.
Populares posted:I dreamed I formed an adhoc militia to ambush and kill a special forces team. It was a success.
My dreams more often involve getting ambushed and killed by a special forces team, so thank you for intervening in the dream world and doing battle with the ghostly commandos who have been haunting me. I can sleep much better now.
toyot posted:i have stress dreams about schoolwork and typically the stress wins, but my favorites become when i think of little outs and excuses. like that it's okay i'm failing in physics, because i have my friends and i chose to spend time with them instead, and it was a good choice, and the physics will be there tomorrow.
I hear these are common dreams; I haven't been to school in about 7 years but I still have dreams that it's the end of the school year and I've been avoiding a class or two the entire year. I keep thinking I should go in just to make an appearance to maybe get some credit, but I feel it's too late anyway and the teacher would be too angry with me for avoiding it all this time. It's a horrible feeling, and waking up comes as such a great relief.
Parenti posted:I hear these are common dreams; I haven't been to school in about 7 years but I still have dreams that it's the end of the school year and I've been avoiding a class or two the entire year. I keep thinking I should go in just to make an appearance to maybe get some credit, but I feel it's too late anyway and the teacher would be too angry with me for avoiding it all this time. It's a horrible feeling, and waking up comes as such a great relief.
same, but is it not a mark of educational excellence that we should all be left with enough residual anxiety to play out across intermittent nightmares spanning the rest of our natural lives?
Edited by solidar ()
liceo posted:two part last night
1. in a large marble hall, presumably a museum room but without anything inside of it. there are a lot of strangers. i stand at the door with a spray bottle. children keep trying to pry open the door and break into the room, but i don't let them through by spraying mist at the door which prevents them from opening it.
solidar posted:one of the best things about smoking w33d is that i don't remember my dreams, i hate my dreams, dreams suck, weed4life
that's actually the worst part, the best part is you're dreaming all day
eventually they became about returning to old homes that i'd rented in the more recent past, with the idea that after not being there for years i'd still have a right to those places and that my stuff would still be there. in these dreams i'd be planning to split my life between these places and my real home. in these dreams, the old homes would have the same archetectural style and locations to places i'd lived irl but were otherwise very different
i don't get those so much now. instead i get a lot of dreams about visiting landmarks and holiday destinations which, in the dream i'm very familiar with, but don't exist in real life. they're all jumbled up from memories of my home town, or places like scarborough or torquay. one i really liked had rows of seaside hotels all over a mountain. sometimes my home town and where i live now are merged
in the last dream i had of that last type i was looking at a whole new part of what was supposed to be my home town. there was a big old victorian building that in the dream was staffed by nuns. as i took pictures of it, a black dog took my entire hand in his mouth and wouldn't let go. it didn't hurt, but i woke up after it became clear the dog's owner wasn't in any rush
colddays posted:I keep having dreams about getting into fistfights and winning.
oh, so YOU are the motherfucker who keeps beating the shit out of me in my dreams
at the end of the trip, they revealed, no, the books weren't to keep, hope you read it all on the way, haha. here, put it in this pail on your way out, and we'll hand them to the folks taking the return trip. they probably won't tell them how many hands it's passed through, just like they didn't tell us. my dad and i lamented cost-saving measures that amount to just passing anonymous fomites.
on the bright side, i got a bunch of used audio equipment set up in the back seat of a (rental?) car and turned the thing into a makeshift isolation booth. we planned to talk about it over dinner. there's this well-reviewed place ten blocks away, called Yuck. sort of an asian fusion place, i guess, with an emphasis on spicy food. we all took separate routes there, on foot
on my way, i passed a lot of other places with names similar to Yuck. turns out they're all owned by the same parent company anyway. a tourist handed me a bag of half-exploded fireworks they were using to torment someone else on the street. seemed like there were live embers in the bag, so i tossed it away and it burst into purple flame and popped and crackled otherwise harmlessly.
but there was an infant in a carseat on a sidewalk, sitting like a foot from where another such bag (though it might have also been the one I threw) had burnt. kid handled it like a champ, didn't cry or anything. also spoke surprisingly articulately for <1 year old. I paused to help his family scoop him and his sibling up to load into a big vehicle, an SUV or a limo or something, and they offered me a ride the rest of the way to the restaurant.
they were explaining that a journalist had already come by to snap some pictures of the baby being frightened by the burning bag of fireworks, and had asked a few interview questions and then secured contact info for some followup later. the kid's family immediately recognized the journalist's phone number as Egyptian, and one of them was like "well i don't know what to make of that," and another went "it's fine, people come from everywhere now" and that seemed to satisfy the first.
I was chatting with the baby, whose name appeared on a form as either Jonathan or Benjamin(?) Bliss Matts. the child expressed that he was excited to begin his studies in a few years. noticing that I seemed to be getting good answers out of their baby, they turned to me and asked me if maybe i'd be willing to field the call from that journo, and maybe play intermediary for the kid
i mean, these people don't know me from adam, but that sounds like a hoot; sure, i say.
just then a coworker of mine calls. says that publication is just some bottom-feeding bullshit site and the piece will maybe get 20-40 views worldwide. the patriarch of the family goes "well that seals it. tell them no."
i ask: "so, just to confirm, you won't be needing my services from here on?"
"are you still driving me to Yuck?"
and then i woke up

Edited by Constantignoble ()
I'm at a work retreat for a nonprofit I worked for years ago. We're staying in a modern home in the middle of a lush forest next to a gorge. I see some coworkers across the gorge walking toward the house, when all of a sudden I see a big wildcat, a "cavel", which looked like a human-sized dark-brown lynx. I shout, but my coworkers don't see it in time and the cavel attacks them. In the struggle they fall down the gorge and are barely hanging on. I run over, tiptoe around the cavel, and climb down the gorge wall. I realize they've fallen in such a way that I can't save them. Then I wake up.
Another dream, I'm in a supermarket I'm somehow involved in. The supermarket has moved to a new building and I need to go for a shit. I walk through the door to the toilet and I see that the toilet itself is just in the back of an ordinary supermarket back office room. There's nobody in it at first, but there's a window into another room that's full of people doing normal office type stuff. I try to lock the door and cover the window up, but then people appear in the same room as me, so I give up on trying to use the toilet there.