chickpeas are all around favorite, then kidney beans, then black beans. after that all soup beans are p much alike
you all forgot the humble soy bean
i can't put a figure on the number of years it been since i et a soybean that was recognizable as a bean of soy
if you get the frozen preshelled ones theyre good in fried rice and stuff
o yea i guess i forgot about them sort. they're p good. lots better than the feed soy they grow around me for whatever reason, not like it pays better than hay these days
tornado sirens going off at 1 am, it's officially springtime in tennessee
losing my shit completely!! its very cool to me i think. im sure you all have noticed how my responses here hyave tended to assume that im being attacked , which owns, confronted my analyst today which i never do and we got into a discussion about shit and it was confirmed that he could pick up on my paranoid demeanor and was adjusting accordingly so as not to get roped into a psychotic transference situation.. epic. went off on someone in the org chat about something as well, again due to a misreading of their tone and of course. they were apologetic and felt bad so i had to reveal my entire fucking shit and tell them i was brainsick to the point of people pointing it out to me repeatedly. they asked if they could d anything and i did tell them i should probably log off and go see someone irl because im doing very bad at the moment and the longer im online the worse it gets because im going down all the twitter holes you might expect all day long. being psychotic owns no matter how much better i get this will always be an issue for me and its cool to have some slef-awareness youve worked hard to earn but the best that gives you is learning to disavow your feelings and trust someone else instead because you cant rely on yourself to interpret things anymore

ialdabaoth posted:

tornado sirens going off at 1 am, it's officially springtime in tennessee

I have friends from Nashville who sent pictures. Are u still alive ialdabaoth


graphicalUSSRinterface posted:

being psychotic owns no matter how much better i get this will always be an issue for me and its cool to have some slef-awareness youve worked hard to earn but the best that gives you is learning to disavow your feelings and trust someone else instead because you cant rely on yourself to interpret things anymore

i know this sounds like a passive-aggressive vague about an abusive situation lfmao but i promise it isnt. when you think people are telepathically communicating with you to the point of trying to pick up conversations where you left off in your mind with them in person, not that ive been thjat insane for a while, trying to think your way through it just gets you way deeper in that hole. the best thing you can do is try and forget and find new anchors in uhh the world to latch on to- friends, real-life situations, current conversations.. sometimes i find myself still deeply paranoid and i know if i keep thinking about it doesnt lead to good places. as hard as it is sometimes you just have to know when to like, stop. and just accept someones elses version of something on trust. and thats something i have to live with and its really hard

the worst part is eventually you become high-functioning if you can get that far, so then the paranoia becomes plausible and other people might find it convincing too. i am growing past that phjase now though to an even deeper self-awareness of it so thats.. becoming less of an issue too. i dunno man
and to score a point in an ongoing feud on this issue, this is a good time to point out that since psychoanalysis is no longer the predominant paradigm in psychiatry, the "schizo-obsessive" category has not been spoken about since the 1960s or thereabout. imagine if psychiatrists read that shit today, how much it would help. a lots been lost

dimashq posted:

I have friends from Nashville who sent pictures. Are u still alive ialdabaoth

it will take more than tornados to stop me from voting for social fascist war criminal bernard sanders on SUPER TUESDAY, i just need to figure out where my precinct's voting booths landed first

psychosis chat: theres a footnote in william james variety of religions experience which goes like this:

“A great Being or Power was traveling through the sky, his foot was on a kind of lightning as a wheel is on a rail, it was his pathway. The lightning was made entirely of the spirits of innumerable people close to one another, and I was one of them. He moved in a straight line, and each part of the streak or flash came into its short conscious existence only that he might travel. I seemed to be directly under the foot of God, and I thought he was grinding his own life up out of my pain. Then I saw that what he had been trying with all his might to do was to change his course, to bend the line of lightning to which he was tied, in the direction in which he wanted to go. I felt my flexibility and helplessness, and knew that he would succeed. He bended me, turning his corner by means of my hurt, hurting me more than I had ever been hurt in my life, and at the acutest point of this, as he passed, I saw. I understood for a moment things that I have now forgotten, things that no one could remember while retaining sanity. The angle was an obtuse angle, and I remember thinking as I woke that had he made it a right or acute angle, I should have both suffered and ‘seen’ still more, and should probably have died.

“He went on and I came to. In that moment the whole of my life passed before me, including each little meaningless piece of distress, and I understood them. This was what it had all meant, this was the piece of work it had all been contributing to do. I did not see God's purpose, I only saw his intentness and his entire relentlessness towards his means. He thought no more of me than a man thinks of hurting a cork when he is opening wine, or hurting a cartridge when he is firing. And yet, on waking, my first feeling was, and it came with tears, ‘Domine non sum digna,’ for I had been lifted into a position for which I was too small. I realized that in that half hour under ether I had served God more distinctly and purely than I had ever done in my life before, or that I am capable of desiring to do. I was the means of his achieving and revealing something, I know not what or to whom, and that, to the exact extent of my capacity for suffering.

“While regaining consciousness, I wondered why, since I had gone so deep, I had seen nothing of what the saints call the love of God, nothing but his relentlessness. And then I heard an answer, which I could only just catch, saying, ‘Knowledge and Love are One, and the measure is suffering’—I give the words as they came to me. With that I came finally to (into what seemed a dream world compared with the reality of what I was leaving), and I saw that what would be called the ‘cause’ of my experience was a slight operation under insufficient ether, in a bed pushed up against a window, a common city window in a common city street. If I had to formulate a few of the things I then caught a glimpse of, they would run somewhat as follows:—

“The eternal necessity of suffering and its eternal vicariousness. The veiled and incommunicable nature of the worst sufferings;—the passivity of genius, how it is essentially instrumental and defenseless, moved, not moving, it must do what it does;—the impossibility of discovery without its price;—finally, the excess of what the suffering ‘seer’ or genius pays over what his generation gains. (He seems like one who sweats his life out to earn enough to save a district from famine, and just as he staggers back, dying and satisfied, bringing a lac of rupees to buy grain with, God lifts the lac away, dropping one rupee, and says, ‘That you may give them. That you have earned for them. The rest is for ME.’) I perceived also in a way never to be forgotten, the excess of what we see over what we can demonstrate.

“And so on!—these things may seem to you delusions, or truisms; but for me they are dark truths, and the power to put them into even such words as these has been given me by an ether dream.”

if youve never ascended into delusional psychosis i feel bad for u

did the superman do the tuesday yet?
[account deactivated]
my favorite beans are.... coffee beans!!! another patented cars curve ball past home plate.
coffee "beans" aren't even beans... sad
that's the beauty of it!!
thinking about the time i was 16 and snuck out one night to a college party and there was this one guy sitting in the corner alone all night shouting weird fyad references by himself. probably did not expect anyone there to clock him as a goon ftw
i found his facebook and our only mutual was mccaine. he clearly read rhizzone. anyone know who uh XXXXXXXXXXXXX is. so fucking weird to meet one of those guys in teh wild

no doxing

Edited by Gssh ()

pls i think about this constantly. ive been in friend limbo for like ten years with that guy lmfao
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX pm me if you dont want to say publicly.. i know someone knows this guy

no doxing

Edited by Gssh ()

i say that like it was college students hanging out with a high schooler but i did go to the college lol. i told my parents i was going to a different friends house for the night but i went there instead
Can you remove that, I'm not a huge fan of shit talking people and linking them to their first/last name and social media profiles unless they're fascists or something

especially since this is a left wing forum, it is a bad security practice

Edited by pogfan1996 ()

psychoanalytic treatment of psychosis continues to have a really bad track record on these forums.
please remember to get off the offsite when you are playing real life
anyone know who this guy is, i know he read the rhizzone

tears posted:

anyone know who this guy is, i know he read the rhizzone

now this here is a truly efficacious therapy, improves mood and soothes mental distress

i am sorry.
i also didnt mean to shit talk him i thought it was really funny. but my secruity practice is very bad in general yes
im feeling very bad about doing that hahahha. its something i really need to think about generally i guess! im really sorry i did that
i will do an entire self-crit below because ive done this twice at this point in my time here

its not that i dont know any better or dont understand security principles- because i do, and i generally know when i fuck up but this doesnt prevent me from doing so usually. im not saying this defensively but more because its not the issue and if you dont know the actual issue you cant fix the problem.. to start with i think good secruity practices are exactly tjat, a practice, thta have to take into consideration your own role in whatever you are doing and be explicitly thought through and held to. which i havent really done and i tend to feel a lot of despair every time i even think about approaching the subject because i start to think just exactly how much i have said about myself online over the years, how much work itd be to fix and also just how infeasible this seems for me to do on a personal level considering what i use it for and the way in which i tend to post. this kind of despair leads to i think individual acts of pushing what remaining boundaries i do have about it in an impulsive and self-destructive manner. i wanted to share the story because i think its extremely funny and weird, and i also did want to mention who it was, because i think to me it added more specificity and communicated something a vaguer desdcription could not. however, i could have asked someone in private (not ideal because i wanted to share it with the forum) or i could have described more about it in a way that anonymized who he was. instead i had an idea and i posted probably one sentence about it and took a shortcut by just dumping the entire profile lol, which i hesitated on but then the aforementioned uhhh impulse to just override any reservations i had kicked in and i posted it. in any case i think thats what happened here. so instead of doing that i should probably figure out a way to address my own hangups about the security stuff and not act out about it because i repeatedly expose myself and others. sometimes its harder than this situation and i hesitate and choose to take a risk because its too hard to keep things to myself that i wish people knew about me just in terms of like getting to know people. amongst other reasons. in any case i apologize
had some bread for lunch
if the issue is also that it seemed mean-spirited i appeal to people to think about who ive shown myself to be on this forum already and i will say the incident made me want to be friends with him very badly lmfao. in the interest of being fair i will say i do very similar things irl which admittedly i have a degree of self-consciousness about. in any case the tone i was going for was more something that would be relatable
I doubt anyone cares about the tone of your doxxing, just that you doxxed someone

88888 posted:

I doubt anyone cares about the tone of your doxxing, just that you doxxed someone

someone above did seem to think my intent was to shame or expose them.. and i agree thats not the main issue but i did want to address that as well

mods change my name to doxxing tone critic
I've decided that I'm going to start dieting tomorrow. I have a healthy, well-rounded diet, and I get a fair bit of exercise at work, but my voluminous appetite always has me wanting (and going for) more when I know I shouldn't be: I have given myself the simple and excruciating goal of not doing this. Anyways I was going to start today but this bread is just too damned good
to add another consideration i think about pogfans comment about security being about herd immunity sometimes, its something that comes from being embedded in a group with a core set of values, ethics and behavioral expectations. it becomes a part of how you conduct yourself in a social setting , just reflexively, like conditioning i guess. i have one place like that where im very involved in the community in a real way but generally i would say online i move between several of them and lurk. here i still feel like im trying to get a foothold and integrate myself i guess and i still feel like im posting like im completely isolated and not part of this place whatsoever.. whjen i feel thjat way it leads probably to showing a certain lack of concern or respect for people who have been here for a while. i posted about that a while back, that i was concerned the way i posted showed disregard for the culture here as well. i think about it.. i think in some way i did a disservice to someone who belongs here more than i do. i dont know them well, and im sorry i did that.