There he is,
Edited by Populares ()
Petrol posted:if i really dig snatcher this time round i suppose it means i should give other visual novels a go? because that's basically what it is, apart from the little shooty bits, which tbh aren't very good and feel shoehorned in. it's the cyberpunk setting and vibes that really do it for me. anyone know any other cyberpunk visual novels i should try? don't say va11 ha11a or whatever that's called, the venezuelan fascist game about how child sex trafficking is actually good and cool
shadowrun dragonfall is actually really good for the most part. not just "for a game, I guess" good
you also have to play xcom in between the visual novel parts but it's also good (play on hard though imo)
but skip the playable character backstory stuff, it was committee-written and added later
tears posted:
is not a photoshop

(screenshot is natural selection 1)
"Riquelme said authorities believe the boy was influenced by the video game Natural Selection, a first-person shooting game."
wise N64 types: i will strive every day to be the person you see in me.
winebaby posted:Caught antisocial winter gamer influenza as I do every year, played some Disco Elysium (entertaining, more likely to influence teens than "books") and Hearts Of Iron 4 (a decent way to time travel 16 hours into the future with no recollection of intervening moments, otherwise worse than other Paradox offerings).
asocial.... antisocial woudl be like shrieking twitch streaming on public transit
chickeon posted:asocial.... antisocial woudl be like shrieking twitch streaming on public transit
Petrol posted:it respects me enough to let me choose a difficulty, rather than using a fixed high difficulty to cover for game design limitations *cough* darksouls *cough*
Petrol posted:i am continuing to enjoy "jedi fallen order". i eventually bumped the difficulty down because i am not a Real Gamer and prefer to enjoy a game in the limited time i have to play rather than bash my head against a wall for a while every time i come up against a big new boss or set piece packed with tough enemies. but that's the great thing about this game, it respects me enough to let me choose a difficulty, rather than using a fixed high difficulty to cover for game design limitations *cough* darksouls *cough*
What are dark souls' design limitations you coward
Petrol posted:i am continuing to enjoy "jedi fallen order". i eventually bumped the difficulty down because i am not a Real Gamer and prefer to enjoy a game in the limited time i have to play rather than bash my head against a wall for a while every time i come up against a big new boss or set piece packed with tough enemies. but that's the great thing about this game, it respects me enough to let me choose a difficulty, rather than using a fixed high difficulty to cover for game design limitations *cough* darksouls *cough*
What are dark souls' design limitations you coward
Petrol posted:the souls games would be much more impressive if they had properly implemented difficulty settings. i'm not making the game journalist argument here that they're dropping the ball on accessibility, that this is somehow a moral imperative. what i mean is just that fromsoft limit themselves to balancing the combat mechanics very precisely for basement dwellers who are happy to fight a boss 20 times just to memorise its attack patterns and eventually beat it by muscle memory. some of us prefer the option of more forgiving combat so we can actually have fun while still having lives.
it just sounds like it's not a game made for you. like i don't really enjoy bullet hell shump games but im not going to say that devs that make them should put in a difficulty where there aren't actually that many bullets on the screen.
lo posted:it just sounds like it's not a game made for you.
i do not live in a basement, no.