ghostpinballer posted:i saw some lib on twitter saying the hold time for NYT sub cancellations is 1 hour atm, lib marks are really pissed the paper of record is doxxing spooks lol
This is hilarious actually
ghostpinballer posted:i saw some lib on twitter saying the hold time for NYT sub cancellations is 1 hour atm, lib marks are really pissed the paper of record is doxxing spooks lol
cars posted:If it does turn out I’m right it’s going to continue screwing with my head the way this whole post-2016 thing has already, where I used to take humble solace in how I was batting a thousand on U.S. policy abroad but couldn’t predict its domestic politics to save my life. Turns out the common factor was daylight CIA ops and if I’d known that I would’ve gone to more company picnics over the years.
hm maybe could be because white amerika is morphing into the set of circumstances in which US foreign policy typically deals, stratified class structures and factional disputes within classes rather than comfortable imperial decadence
dimashq posted:hm maybe could be because white amerika is morphing into the set of circumstances in which US foreign policy typically deals, stratified class structures and factional disputes within classes rather than comfortable imperial decadence
I will upvote this the moment my oracular nature is proved through either decisive outcomes or character witnesses confirming I have never even considered having sex.
c_man posted:i dont care about thr trumbp impeachment and im not sure why i should
shapes posted:i hope there's a secret CIA operative FB page, and retired septuagenarian agents post terrible memes about "BACK IN MY DAY IF THERE WAS A ROGUE PRESIDENT WE JUST SHOT HIM AS HE WAS DRIVING DOWN THE STREET LIKE AND SHARE IF YOU AGREE!"
c_man posted:i dont care about thr trumbp impeachment and im not sure why i should
rhizzone office gossip
Horselord posted:or until someone forgets to pay the hosting
That was the cia doing creepy shit to dr cat
Republican Congressman on the Foreign Relations Committee and the Homeland Security Committee on NBC saying he does not trust the CIA. Interesting times lol