AmericanNazbro posted:Petrol posted:it's literally
So lets just look up the usual relevant source of such exquisite fragrance. The 2012 annual report of the U.S. government financed National Endowment of Democracy, aka the Central Color Revolution Agency, includes three grants for Hong Kong one of which is new for 2012 and not mentioned in earlier annual reports:
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs - $460,000
To foster awareness regarding Hong Kong's political institutions and constitutional reform process and to develop the capacity of citizens - particularly university students - to more effectively participate in the public debate on political reform, NDI will work with civil society organizations on parliamentary monitoring, a survey, and development of an Internet portal, allowing students and citizens to explore possible reforms leading to universal suffrage.
American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To continue to advance worker rights by building the capacity of democratic trade unions in Hong Kong. The Solidarity Center will work with its partners to advocate for collective bargaining rights, utilize local and international mechanisms to improve working conditions, and promote understanding of worker rights abuses and developments in China among the international labor movement and human rights community.
Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
To raise the standards of human rights protection and democratic representation in Hong Kong. The Monitor will carry out human rights monitoring, casework, campaigning, and public education drawing local and international attention to civil rights and human rights developments in Hong Kong.
cars posted:constant pressure everywhere that always churns fresh naive helpless meat into positions of power that is beholden directly to the United States, basic kids, multi denied opposition groups and loony Nazis, whatever, make sure the London educated banker squats are in charge, then those goofs get a foothold and start securing their local resources and acting independently to satisfy local constituencies that don't like the United States, start using their economies as tools of policy independent of the United States and its little quislings and the money, start acting less "liberal", then before anything like that can turn the United States presses again, the policy is very easy for State Department grad gimps to justify in terms of the self interest of the United States aligning with every virtue while the real policy is done over their heads to align with the security and defense agencies anfd you can see it all with julian assange, you will actually be able to smell his hair bleach on this adventure, you will hear the Jersey in the voice of the president of estonia and it will move you, to a bigger house
cars posted:American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To continue to advance worker rights by building the capacity of democratic trade unions in Hong Kong. The Solidarity Center will work with its partners to advocate for collective bargaining rights, utilize local and international mechanisms to improve working conditions, and promote understanding of worker rights abuses and developments in China among the international labor movement and human rights community.
c_man posted:im a member of the R->C->P

Edited by wasted ()
Whoa! FBI agent caught posting Russiagate conspiracy theories on 8chan:
— Yasha Levine (@yashalevine) June 17, 2019

trakfactri posted:One of the odd side stories is that Guo sued Roger Stone for defamation last year after Stone appeared on the Alex Jones Show and alleged Guo funneled money to Hillary Clinton and Steve Bannon. Jones predictably presented the whole thing as a Chinese intelligence plot to subvert the MAGA (Guo is, by the way, a member of the Mar-a-Lago Club). Stone settled the suit and apologized. Anyways, Guo and Bannon are pretty tight:
Now on Hong Kong shit:
wasted posted:Edit: Does anyone know of people that write on MKultra that don't go into Alex Jones territory? What I've read so far is that the CIA started it as a cover story during the Korean War when troops were coming back basically saying that the military was carrying out live experiments with biological/chemical weapons and so they came up with the story that the Soviets had perfected a method of mind control so the troops would believe this (i.e. the plot of the Manchurian Candidate) so we should come up with some advanced form of perception management ourselves to beat the pinkos at their own game.
There's the documentary Wormwood. I skipped around and watched the Sy Hersh parts. I would look around for reporting from papers outside the U.S. on biological warfare in Korea and Manchuria which was widespread and forced the DPRK and Chinese armies to undertake massive countermeasures / medical infrastructure projects behind the front line to defend themselves from these attacks. The U.S. largely carried it out via air-dropped canisters filled with disease-carrying insects targeting the civilian population and water supplies. I've read the North Koreans have preserved some of these insects in the main military museum in Pyongyang and tourists have a hard time believing it's real, but it is and the North Koreans are telling the truth.
Hersh never comes out and says it outright but the implication in Wormwood is the CIA killed unreliable scientists who worked on the project but might tattle. The CIA dosed one scientist with LSD during a meeting and he freaked out, so the agency put him up in a hotel in New York while arranging for him to meet with a doctor, which was a lie, and then sent a kill team (basically just mafia thugs) to throw him out of the window. The kill team was compartmentalized and had no idea why they were doing it; they were just under orders to do it. MKULTRA -- that the CIA was experimenting with LSD on unwitting subjects -- was the cover story and the deaths were attributed to suicide when the press "discovered" the "truth" in the early 1970s. Very much concocting a conspiracy theory to cover up another conspiracy. Hersh's conclusion is that it doesn't really matter now though because the bad guys got away with it and nobody cares anymore.
Also for any lurkers with any lingering American nationalist tendencies who want to know what it's like to go insane and have your mind break, I would recommend this joint DPRK/China documentary which is a pretty extensive look at American insect terror warfare in the 1950s:
Edited by trakfactri ()

Back in 2016, Emma Best filed a FOIA request for the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s files on the infamous white supremacist website Stormfront. After two and half years of processing, the FBI finally responded, releasing just 104 pre-processed pages.
What’s more, according to the cover letter accompanying the release, there were additional records, but the Bureau simply couldn’t find them.
AP LANT, JR.: Boss I volunteer! I’m ready!
SAC: To clean the fridge?
JUNIOR: For the task force! I’m a chat room maniac with 1337357 flames!
SAC: Kid I’ll be honest: you aren’t even Ap’s son you’re like his nephew or something??
JUNIOR: I’ll cyber their asses good chief!
SAC: All right uhhhhhhhh you go on 8chan and tell them the Russians fixed the election,
i wanna research this

cars posted: