2 shots rum
1 shot pineapple puree
2 shots milk
tablespoon of coconut oil
expired lime juice
soda water
it's pretty good!
we're having friends over for a cookout this weekend, also gonna make pina coladas. rum is my least favorite liquor but its very seasonal for spring so whatever (temperature is going to be as low as -5c tho lol)
jansenist_drugstore posted:bottle deposit money
you mean i drink, and then i get paid? it's pure profit! how is this one weird trick even legal?!
shriekingviolet posted:y'all cowards scared of a humble flower. it's hard to overdo if you're not using actual straight rosewater.
You'll Cowards Don't Even Drink Rose
lo posted:i think thats too much rose
also its not straight rose syrup it's got other spices in and it's diluted ofc
tonight i am drinking the state beer of china and adding jameson to it
cars posted:Now that I'm no longer a mod I'll mention that I was already teetotal for a year when someone made me mod of the booze forum. Owned.
Who was responsible for this ??
ialdabaoth posted:if i bbcome mod of dyad i promise to always drink and to never own, esp not epically
after months of domination by the deceitful criminality of the sober, maybe it’s time for a shift to someone too drunk to type the four-letter acronym of the forum they want to mod
a whiskey sour
at the gay bar gay bar gay bar wow
with the lesbians.
two nights ago:
rose cider
java stout
citrus-y ipa
she was paying bc she wanted to Show Me A Time

i made a big jug of iced chamomile and mint tea, sweetened with a little pineapple and lychee juice. goes great with gin. soothing. good summer drink