c_man posted:
c_man posted:
what websites this?
tears posted:c_man posted:
what websites this?
the Something Awful forums, which this forum is an "offsite" for. It used to have a loosely-moderated politics subforum where you could be openly communist without being banned (along with basically anything else, which is why there were so many people with bad or totally aestheticized politics when this board started). it was shut down because either, depending on who you believe, a poster made a threat on obama's life and the owner of the site, Richard "LowTax" Kayanka, got a visit from the secret service or because the posters made fun of a Troop moderator too much for having built himself a totally unlivable house and bragging about it. then a bunch of people went of and founded various offsite forums to try and continue where they left off. it probably played a role in the radicalization of many people here, for better or for worse. notable moderators include grover, the troopsucker who built a deathtrap house and bragged about it; sean "vilerat" smith, an EVE Online extraordinaire, tremendous racist, and State Department computer janitor, notable for getting epically owned and a bunch of other terrible human beings
Edited by c_man ()
This image posted in celebration of the approaching 50th anniversary of the founding of the New P3ople's Army
life come at u fast
im not sure I'm ready
c_man posted:tears posted:c_man posted:
what websites this?
the Something Awful forums, which this forum is an "offsite" for. It used to have a loosely-moderated politics subforum where you could be openly communist without being banned (along with basically anything else, which is why there were so many people with bad or totally aestheticized politics when this board started). it was shut down because either, depending on who you believe, a poster made a threat on obama's life and the owner of the site, Richard "LowTax" Kayanka, got a visit from the secret service or because the posters made fun of a Troop moderator too much for having built himself a totally unlivable house and bragging about it. then a bunch of people went of and founded various offsite forums to try and continue where they left off. it probably played a role in the radicalization of many people here, for better or for worse. notable moderators include grover, the troopsucker who built a deathtrap house and bragged about it; sean "vilerat" smith, an EVE Online extraordinaire, tremendous racist, and State Department computer janitor, notable for getting epically owned and a bunch of other terrible human beings
sorry, i was pretending not to know
Dobble_Wobble posted:i've been doing some research for a writing project about the bpp and the fbi paperwork docs are gross (buy savings bonds!!)
lol i remember reading through the BPP docs on MuckRack and i remember seeing these. what are these even for? advertisements for bonds all over the super classified COINTELPRO documents?
trakfactri posted:
jools posted:
haha what the fuck
Dobble_Wobble posted:jools posted:haha what the fuck
ive watched it just about every day since i first saw it a couple of weeks ago. its like michael mann adapted a mike davis book or something
toyotathon posted:
filler posted:I've been working 70 hour weeks recently and this has pushed me to the brink of madness, thank's for that
if you're in a position at all to not do this then DON'T, loyalty or a sense of responsibility are atavisms that workplaces have been finely tuned to exploit. i've pretty much ruined my life because i'm a hardworking idiot. if you're stuck though that sucks, be well
Edited by neckwattle ()