
swampman posted:

We vote, because it's not like we had something politically effective to do that day

i vote because i am a curmudgeon and enjoy the distress in the election judges' eyes when they have to push an override button on the ballot-eating machine to get it to accept a blank ballot

in the interest of posters mental health this thread has been moved to dytd
WElcum 2 mAh ReAlm
reasons to dytd

at least they're open about it being science fiction

trakfactri posted:

Anyways, long-time lurker and first-time poster, so I might as well start out with the big prediction that Bernie will take over from the Carter-like Trump who ran against his own party in some ways, and you'll get some kind of restructuring. Notice Bernie doesn't have much to say on Trump's trade barriers. Bernie is a curious inverse of Trump where he offers to use economic nationalism to solve social and cultural problems, rather than using social and cultural nationalism to solve economic problems. Call it "left nationalism" maybe and this is still imperialist, and Bernie Sanders is an imperialist, but it does threaten some of capital's gains in the past half-century which is why he has faced a greater degree of opposition than other presidential candidates.

it's fun being drunk and high. this is the right forum yeah
you got to be drunk and high to vote my друг

oh boy.
beb jush
(butt-head voice): hey Beb......
oh my god you guys Beto was part of the Cult of the Dead Cow our stupid shitty cyberpunk future really is here
A serious candidate for the President of the United States is a Socially Liberal Fiscally Conservative punk rock hacker dipshit and I am opening a beer at 10 am
secretary of state: Razor
secretary of the treasury: Blade

Soon after, PDNG hired a marketing firm—one founded by Sanders’s father—to present a vision for El Paso’s future to the city council. The presentation depicted the El Paso the city wanted to move away from with a picture of an old Chevy pickup truck and an older Hispanic man in a cowboy hat, accompanied by the words “Dirty,” “Lazy,” “Speak Spanish,” and “Uneducated,” while the El Paso of the future was shown by pictures of a smart new SUV, Matthew McConaughey, and Penélope Cruz, accompanied by the words “Educated,” “Bi-lingual,” and “Enjoys entertainment.”

technocrats are racists, everyone feign mortified surprise


shriekingviolet posted:

Beto was part of the Cult of the Dead Cow

this reminded me years ago i surrepticiously installed backorifice on a friends family computer along with an audiofile of me screaming and laughing slowed down with microsoft sound recorder and waited till i saw my friend logged on msn then remotely activated it and the cd tray repeatedly. i later heard they walked into the living room to find their dad shouting at the computer believing it was demonically possessed. i was not allowed back for a long time. thanks beto!

backorifice was the best
the social-fascists are already adorning their beloved with SS lightning bolts.. sick
The saddest part of all the Jacobin/DSA right Bernie stanning is that the dude doesn't stand a chance of even winning the primary. He's already botched the reparations question yet again (social fascism proven correct example 2,727) and shows no signs of changing his "class-only" stance to make inroads with black voters, and the hive mind knee-jerk defenses of Bernie can do no wrong don't help. I think the Verso Loft crew has underestimated how much the professional class libs who make up the overwhelming percentage people who give enough of a shit to vote in the primary despise him. He's gonna dominate the first three primaries and then be dead in the water on Super Tuesday behind Harris and Biden. DSA is going to utterly implode once that happens
i can hardly wait
Hey whoever runs the rhizzone.txt account, please post "RE: Mike Gravel" and a picture of this classic

getfiscal posted:

From topic Sanders 2016: 100 Problems:

imagine if sanders won and he was like alright folks time to implement my plan to break up every major financial institution into smaller banks. i'll just pass this bill through congress which shatters wall street.

congress: yes, we will quickly pass this bill. we may not all be fans of yours but we definitely agree we should take on the combined might of US financial institutions.

wall street: well, the bill passed, and i think we learned a valuable lesson. we lost trillions in investments but that's life. fortunately sanders is very much a supporter of main street, so the economy will be fine.

insurance companies: oh now he's socialized health insurance. our entire industry is closing down. we'll have to make the transition as easy as possible for patients, since it's the right thing to do.

doctors: the government directly employs us now, which is fine with us, since we went into this profession to heal people, not clear a million a year tightening the skin on people's necks.

democratic socialists of america: thank you guys so much for being cool about this.


rolaids posted:

DSA is going to utterly implode once that happens

It's easy to imagine DSA imploding no matter what happens apropos Bernie.

You're not wrong, of course. It's just that all roads lead to implosion.
Biden and the ISO going down in flames over #MeToo scandals in the same week. The twin era of neoliberalism and socialist microsects is over. Thesis and antithesis merge into a new synthesis.
I've come up with a few good acronyms for future in the inevitable demise of the DSA. ARIA: American Revolutionary Insurgent Army or UPA: United Peoples of America.
Ever since right wingers started using the term "snowflakes" as a pejorative I thought the Snowflakes would be a good name for a left-wing insurgent group, with a little snowflake logo.

Also what's that movie -- Snowpiercer?

trakfactri posted:

Ever since right wingers started using the term "snowflakes" as a pejorative I thought the Snowflakes would be a good name for a left-wing insurgent group, with a little snowflake logo.

the next step seems obvious: don't


Populares posted:

I've come up with a few good acronyms for future in the inevitable demise of the DSA. ARIA: American Revolutionary Insurgent Army or UPA: United Peoples of America.

It’s Turtle Island


red_dread posted:

psychicdriver posted:

my partner (in the u.k) said i should make an effort to talk to and maybe find common ground with/learn something from people if bernie rallies come to my neck of the woods. she's no reformist by any means. should i do it?

let me talk to her... about the fact that i tried this and found out that most bernie supporters are downwardly mobile petit-bourgeois trying to revive home ownership and while there's a popular demand for social-democratic programs this popular character is not necessarily reflected in his diehard supporters.

this is Reverse Corbyn imo


cars posted:

You don't have to tell me twice. I've got a theory though that the fringe right is going down this path today. I remember watching an interview with Jerry Rubin on some T.V. program from the early '70s and someone in the audience asked him "were you ever a member of the Communist Party?" And he went "ohh no way lady, the Communist Party are conservatives compared to us! We're way more radical than they ever were." It's like a perfomative kind of acting out designed to freak out the squares and unsettle people. A lot of these young right-wing troll guys act like that and get themselves into a lot of trouble.

"conservative revolutionary"
did anyone watch the fox town hall?

About two minutes from a clip on YouTube. In lieu of commentary about what it all means for the upcoming royal rumble I'll just say one of the comments was promoting a theory that Bernie Sanders has a fleet of sports cars he doesn't want you to know about, which gave me a funny image of him whipping ass around Vermont in a Lambo.
he has a fleet of starships. Hes captain Meme-Luc bernard of the USS Significant Discounts

trakfactri posted:

which gave me a funny image of him whipping ass around Vermont in a Lambo.


cars posted:

And now this headache is gettin you know... gettin stronger. And he showed me many animals and different things.

I have come to realize there is not much more entertaining than people online who are like, I’m out here saying a slur, I’m voting for a Democrat from Vermont even, there is no stopping me
Watch out Mrs. obama.