Lykourgos posted:Thank you! If you like classical antiquity, I hope you enjoy the game.
im not really a big classics guy in particular(haven't read hardly any greek or roman things) but im fascinated by art that tries to convey the mindset of pre modern peoples and it looks like you're trying to do that here. also the art style nails that sort of late 90s western rpg look while also not being super ugly which is a point in its favour i think. of course i haven't actually played the game yet so this is all just first impressions stuff..
ultramega posted:mao picks toad because when he wins the little fucker rubs it in by yelling "i'm the best!"
mao picks the working man mario. toad will be sent out into the fields, alongside peach

Edited by Populares ()
wasted posted:Coming up on the 10 year anniversary of this iconic CIA video game:
Forgot about that airport scene Jesus Christ
tears posted:im going to finish dark souls 3; this time
The planet's dying, Cloud.
trakfactri posted:
goodbye, many evenings
tears posted:i will save the world by stealing the power of the first flame and becoming the lady of hollows, i think ill use a spear build to do it
Prithee, be careful. I don't want t see m work squandered
oh god oh fuck
— Jammho (@Jammho) March 5, 2019
Edited by Constantignoble ()
my weekend plans are in flux, but i might be able to make time depending on what folks decide

swampman posted:i think eradicating electronic games is going to be an important part of the culture-wide psychological therapy necessary to heal the mental damage caused by capitalism, and an important part of any successful strategy to save the world ecology from total collapse