Sniping Execs!
littlegreenpills posted:theres some new guy who's gonna start working at my job who is leaving some sort of public housing ngo, what shd i ask him
how he's doing
getfiscal posted:i think ford promised that rent control will be grandfathered in for existing tenants. although if they mostly repeal it beyond that then it will create lot of opportunities for landlords to kick out tenants, which they can often find a way to do. i dunno though, not an expert. i am probably just going to move home soon so whatever.
in san francisco now that housing prices are extremely insane but there's a lot of rent control, landlords just use a loophole that allows them to evict tenants if either they or a direct relative wants to live in the apartment or if they want to "go out of the rental business". so they just lie and keep it empty for the requisite time before re-renting at market-rate or just sale the building and tear it down to build condos. so best case scenario they throw out some disabled 70 year old retired school teacher w/ no living relatives paying $500/mo and a shitty neice has a city vacation home for a year before renting it to some techie for $4,000/mo.
Edited by aerdil ()
getfiscal posted:i want to learn more about housing activism so if anyone has stuff to read about that then let me know. a maoite sent me a booklet about it once but i never got around to it.
Apparently there's a short film called This is Parkdale being screened in hip theaters and lecture halls right now about the Parkdale strike in Toronto last summer, if you can find a screening there would probably be people in attendance who could point you in the right direction for actual word on page books. I haven't seen it myself yet. Some folks seem to vouch for The Parkdale Organizes Collective as good people, I don't have a direct contact with them right now but someone extremely unreliable might follow up with me about it... eventually...
Soviet_Salami posted:My boss was complaining because the NDP raised the minimum wage. Normally I treat him like a cop; say nothing, make no eye contact. But for some reason I blurted out "You're lucky they're not throwing you in the fucking gulag". I think I successfully played it off as a joke, but it's hard to tell cause I think he was stunned that I dropped an f-bomb in front of his kid.
that's a spicy soviet salami

The Calgary MLA takes issue with the fact she must vote with the leader at all times
isnt this kind of the point of a parliamentary party
the ndp (new democrat party ) are complaining about the back to work legislation, which is at least the small benefit to having more than two parties like our comrades to the south. My ol mpp is at least justifiably pissed off, as an old negotiator for the union, posting about how "We have tools at our disposal to fight this decision in the legislature, in the board rooms and if need be, at the plant gates. We have to come together to fight this until the very end - too many lives depend on it."
it's pretty milquetoast, but at least its better than the rhetoric that comes from the south and poisons so much of our political discourse.
Working class Canadians have not been very effected by the strike. The rotating nature of the strikes means that the delays to individual people are limited to a few days in most cases.
Media keeps pushing this idea that there is a "huge backlog" and that the postal union is going to ruin Christmas!1!!
I should try and go help out at the blockade, assuming they keep it going.
What are good gifts/goods to bring to picketers?
Someone mentioned tenants organizing, which I think is extremely important. My city is about to get slammed with a housing crisis (we are a small college and government city, only about 70,000 people and we already have a 110 people tent city) and we're working on getting a housing movement going which will focus on social housing and tenants rights.
By "we" I mean the Communist Party of Canada, I joined them.
If you're in Ontario, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) is very good ( Check out Parkdale Organize and other related community-tenant organizations. The CPC has been very active on that front (
Speaking of the NDP, they got absolutely destroyed in the last provincial election here, which resulted in a functionally hung parliament
e:best thing we ever delivered was "some boxes to hold all of this shit people keep giving us"
Edited by shriekingviolet ()
shriekingviolet posted:back in the days of the local occupy camp (laugh track) when the cops were looking for excuses they decided that people's blankets were exotic weapons that could be thrown over officers heads, incapacitating them. then using cutting edge CSI cop logic they backsolved from this to declare that the Blanket Attacker, a known wanna-be serial rapist who had been trying to sexually assault women in the university area by throwing a blanket over them (but had been fought off every time because come on) was obviously staying at the occupy camp. thus it became a talking point that the camp was unsafe for women and sheltering rapists, dovetailing neatly with the other scare tactic of talking up how dangerous it was that those scaaaaary homeless people were using the camp to survive the winter.
Tbh this thing about "people in temporary housing/ on the street are scary and will assault you" is so deeply embedded in our socialization that even I get a bit anxious when I go down to the tent city to hand out snacks and blankets. Thank you for reminding me this is cop propaganda.
SparksBandung posted:Hi, I'm back.
welcome back
tears posted:SparksBandung posted:
Hi, I'm back.
welcome back
Thank ye
Now, last election the Alberta Party failed to remember to put up any signage or do any campaigning until 3 days before the election, leaving everyone extremely confused when they kept showing up pretending to be a real party. Many of their candidates resorted to running their own solo campaigns only to discover that they were not on the ballot because they hadn't actually submitted any paperwork.
But this time, this time is going to be different. This election is going to be The Election, the one where the Alberta Party shows that they're a real party ready to sit at the grown-ups table, and that they can be a real contender and an effective force to split the left just in time for the newly galvanized fascist right to steamroll us all. You see this time they're being lead by veteran of Alberta politics Stephen Mandel, a known name and notable power player with the valuable experience and influence to get things done and get them done right, and this time

Edited by shriekingviolet ()
getfiscal posted:The Ontario Liberals are adapting to minor party status by holding West Wing DVD viewing nights in Toronto.
why are provincial liberals like this
Tim Duncan says he was ordered in November 2014 to delete email records of ministry officials' meetings related to the missing women on the Highway of Tears. In a bombshell May 18 letter to the B.C. information and privacy commissioner, Duncan alleges that a ministerial assistant ordered him to delete them.
"When I hesitated, he took away my keyboard, deleted the emails and returned the keyboard stating, 'It's done. Now you don't have to worry about it anymore,'" Duncan wrote.
"It's like in the West Wing. You do whatever it takes to win," Duncan alleges Wizinsky said.

shriekingviolet posted:a stern baby concentrating really hard on pooping.
dont sign your posts