realsubtle posted:am i actually allowed to talk about this here? well, i do "partake" on a semi regular basis. i get marijuana and i smoke it, it makes it feel good to have a conversation, listen to music or just do whatever. last week i smoked a lot of marinuana before getting in an amtrak train to go see my friends family and it was very cool with the country side and all these towns whizzing by, although it also reminded me of the messed up side of life.
i never fly without some weed gummies. 20-30mg of thc makes everything better, except every now and then i get super sensitive to the subtle motions of the plane and become really anxious, but thats pretty rare.
one time a couple with a baby sat next to me and kept apologizing for the baby's behavior and i wanted to explain that this was the best situation for everyone involved because i was stoned out of my gourd and didnt mind the wee baby's fussing in the least

Edited by nomogram ()
nomogram posted:
im expexting good things from this dog
tears posted:im expexting good things from this dog
i don't think there's much to expect of anyone who joins this site in 2018. woof
turn off the audio on the first vid
karphead posted:if it's quality you're worried about, autoholes, then fret not
i did that to put "Your Love" by the Outfield over a compilation of footage of the Chelyabinsk meteor, which was maybe my best post on this entire forum & was slain by YouTube copyright gremlins. may yours live long and prosper
cars posted:karphead posted:if it's quality you're worried about, autoholes, then fret not
BOOYAKASHAKAi did that to put "Your Love" by the Outfield over a compilation of footage of the Chelyabinsk meteor, which was maybe my best post on this entire forum & was slain by YouTube copyright gremlins. may yours live long and prosper
time for a repost - let me know how you beat the gremlins for future knowledtge
tears posted:combine the vape with the weed
you could also just eat it; lasts longer and is more discreet. just make it something you can add/dose separately to what you are eating or inadvertently falling into a munchie induced weedhole is a risk.
tears posted:sorry i only want technofetishist solutions to this socially entrenched problem
Caesura109 posted:Ever since that super bad high gave me repeat panic attacks ive been getting anxiety when i see people on tv get panic attacks lol
as your doctor i would advise you to smoke a lot more weed, like huge amounts, while reading jung
shriekingviolet posted:sick and tired of the weed thread being the most active in DYTD.
*passing u a big joint* join us
shriekingviolet posted:sick and tired of the weed thread being the most active in DYTD. disgraceful. don't green out and navel gaze your anxiety, do the healthy responsible thing and drink until you can't feel anything

i love how stupid historians are
Tropical cyclones and subtropical cyclones are named by various warning centers to provide ease of communication between forecasters and the general public regarding forecasts, watches, and warnings.
Any member of the World Meteorological Organization's hurricane, typhoon and tropical cyclone committees can request that the name of a tropical cyclone be retired or withdrawn from the various tropical cyclone naming lists.[1][2][6] A name is retired or withdrawn if a consensus or majority of members agree that the system has acquired a special notoriety, such as causing a large number of deaths and amounts of damage, impact, or for other special reasons.[1]
Borrowed from French Florence, from Latin Flōrentia (as a given name, a feminine form of Flōrentius), from flōrens (“flowering, flourishing”), from flōs (“flower”), connected with English bloom and blossom.
just discovered a new form of divination