Caesura109 posted:that sucks... i miss having kittens. my family raised a litter a few years ago and one died from illness real fast. winder where the rest are now...
Parenti posted:i was at a party and i was having this really good conversation with this girl, we were talking about american culture etc. british "culture" et. al. and i was saying how i never liked america and she said she didn't like america too and i said yeah, my politics have always prevented me from liking america, and she was like, "what politics?" all eager and interested and i said "basically, i've talked with a lot of people who lived in the soviet union and i think the world was better with the soviet union in it." then the smile just slid off her face like a bird hitting a window and sliding down, and she nodded and uh-huhed, and i'll never see her again as a result of this, but i don't regret it, i will never lie about my politics.
Similar happened to me where we discussed philosophy and critical theory and one thing lead to another and she kept talking about repression of art under Stalinism while I kept saying socialist realism was the pinnacle of art in the 20th century. She was more intrigued than anything which was a plus I guess
lo posted:it's tough being michael parenti
ialdabaoth posted:how did you get this career assistance job. did a full time career assister guide your previously unemployeed self into it
i did some temporary IT stuff for them and once that ended someone there was like "hey you should try out this position, it's really rewarding" and i was like "sure". it felt like a good decision at the time but staff here are starting to get laid off because the unemployment rate is going down so idk
staff here are starting to get laid off because the unemployment rate is going down
what a sentence
Constantignoble posted:
Edited by Parenti ()
edit: had a talk with the psych in the ward about paranoia becoming very realistic if youre smart, sure this will surprise no one here, she mentioned working with ex-cia people. i didnt tell her my cuttlefish theories about facebook though, or that i send every interaction i have to a friend for screening for uhh paranoia reasons. its chill though thats happening less also im not heating voices as much
Edited by graphicalUSSRinterface ()
e: also grats on the better sleep, it's super valuable and can go miles to turning things around
Anyway I found the MD on Facebook
Vegan Sidekick
Plant Based News
Democracy Now!
Emily Thornberry
John McDonnell-The People's Chancellor
John Pilger
Jeremy Corbyn
And many more!
graphicalUSSRinterface posted:i send every interaction i have to a friend for screening for uhh paranoia reasons.
in the philip k. dick version of your life its gonna turn out that your friend was the CIA all along
GroverBabyFurr posted:lo posted:GroverBabyFurr posted:when the fuck do you guys get over here in nordic europa so i can kick the shit out of you revisionist pieces of shits.
yeah man
i told u i was hardcorethank you, groverbabyfurr
it's MaggotMaster to you.
is this really Maggotmaster?