You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.
(The overall average score for groups tested in the original study is listed in the 1950 publication as 3.84, with men averaging somewhat higher and women somewhat lower.)
Impper posted:
2.93, probably because i disagreed with all the stuff about bourgeois ideals even though i'm a degenerate bourgeois myself
You are a liberal airhead.
lmao. of course it gets you with its framing coming and going and coming again.
Impper posted:
i was thinking the whole time about how my answer would influence the result
how urbane of u
babyfinland posted:
Impper posted:
i was thinking the whole time about how my answer would influence the result
how urbane of u
is it more or less urbane if i didn't let it affect my answers
That was a p. poorly worded test IMO
Agreeing with " Wars and social troubles may someday be ended by an earthquake or flood that will destroy the whole world," is supposed to imply belief in "mystical determinants of fate" but I just believe in supernovas and stuff. Not that its likely but there is a nonzero chance for a human extinction event based in the material, natural world based on the geological record
Agreeing with " The wild sex life of the old Greeks and Romans was tame compared to some of the goings-on in this country, even in places where people might least expect it," is supposed to imply "Exaggerated concern with sexual 'goings-on,'" but I don't care at all. Like, its obvious things for some people have gotten stranger with communications/information technology and virtual self-segregation into cumonfoodchat.com or whatever, but that's not a value judgment (of present America or the old Greeks and Romans) or anything I'm concerned about
Agreeing with " Science has its place, but there are many important things that can never be understood by the human mind," is supposed to imply "Submissive, uncritical attitude toward idealized moral authorities of the ingroup," but my motivation is almost totally opposite, its about questioning scientists and taking a critical attitude towards Popper-style positivism
etc etc

deadken posted:
is there anyone here except dudes probated/banned from wddp
me but nobody but joey know who i am.
deadken posted:
i got liberal which is bullshit because i love fascism but for different reasons to people actually susceptible to it
same except i didnt get liberal because im theb est poster
deadken posted:
i got liberal which is bullshit because i love fascism but for different reasons to people actually susceptible to it
babyfinland posted:
deadken posted:
i got liberal which is bullshit because i love fascism but for different reasons to people actually susceptible to it
same except i didnt get liberal because im theb est poster
the average american in the 50s built liberalism today. i have no idea if this is really true but im gonna say it
Impper posted:babyfinland posted:
deadken posted:
i got liberal which is bullshit because i love fascism but for different reasons to people actually susceptible to it
same except i didnt get liberal because im theb est posterthe average american in the 50s built liberalism today. i have no idea if this is really true but im gonna say it
50s america had jim crow laws
Impper posted:
they talk about you as if you're literally a djinn so im pretty sure you are, or at least you would be as soon as they found out it was you posting
i had an account there like way back before i was even banned from SA. i think it got banned then actually cuz i remember trying to log in and it gave me a weird message
Impper posted:
im not banned from wddp but pretty soon i probably will be
what was the whole Thing that happened i missed it
no more wddp chat after this post
deadken posted:
Impper posted:
im not banned from wddp but pretty soon i probably will be
what was the whole Thing that happened i missed it
basically lungfish used my account to move some threads around and it caused so much drama that they shut the forums down for labor day weekend
babyfinland posted:
yes wddp is much better than rhizzone you should go post there
no more wddp chat after this post
all chat is fundamentally & essentially about wddp. wddp is the embodiment of the principle of chat. or something