Dimashq posted:Criterion rereleased Stalker in 1080p, it's hella nice.
idk if that was even their work, up until not long ago mosfilm had a 1080p restoration of stalker freely available on their youtube, i doubt it's had two HD restorations in just a few years. someone made subs for it too
Petrol posted:Dimashq posted:Criterion rereleased Stalker in 1080p, it's hella nice.
idk if that was even their work, up until not long ago mosfilm had a 1080p restoration of stalker freely available on their youtube, i doubt it's had two HD restorations in just a few years. someone made subs for it too
Oh ok. Yea i saw the youtube post of the movie, I wasn't sure if they were the same.
Caesura109 posted:i actually never got around to watching the matrix until a few days ago, for some reason i always assumed that part of the plot was that the robots had put humans in sacs because they didn't want to kill them but to let them continue living on as they did before they created the singularity. then they brought up that 'harvest their energy' shit and i lost a bit of interest, and realized that the aliens were evil not for harvesting humans, but for finding a way to allow them to shape their reality and pursue a limitless world of imagination but instead stuck them in a 9-5 capitalistic replica of the late 20th century as some sort of sick punishment
i hardly remember the other two as they were pretty bad; at the end of the second film i hoped that maybe they were nested simulations, but no.
It sounds like a joke in a Tom Robbins novel
Caesura109 posted:and realized that the aliens were evil not for harvesting humans, but for finding a way to allow them to shape their reality and pursue a limitless world of imagination but instead stuck them in a 9-5 capitalistic replica of the late 20th century as some sort of sick punishment
Well yeah in agent Smith's speech at the end of the first movie they explain this away:
Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.
Agent smith also believes that
I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.
Which is simply not true. In fact obviously the programming language is the right answer but agent smith is dedicated ancap
swampman posted:You're a plague and we are the cure.
I wonder if that was a conscious Cobra reference
Caesura109 posted:Ooooh I quit the movie like halfway through
"No investigation, no right to speak"
tears posted:i watched the love witch
i liked it
Now I see Wikipedia as a sort of litmus test to discover the truth about the world, but not in the way that these super-editors want me to. Now if I look at a controversial subject and see that the same twelve or so editors are policing it, even if I thought that controversy was a baseless conspiracy before, I now wonder why these editors are afraid of the truth getting out and what they have to hide, and seriously begin to consider the alternative theory. For instance, I didn’t start getting interested in 911 truth theories, or in chemtrails or Morgellon’s disease or false flag operations or events such as The Jonestown Massacre until I discovered that the same cabal that I had fruitlessly fought with several years ago was policing these pages as well. I now know that to find out the truth about anything, you have to look beyond Wikipedia – WAY beyond – and look at dozens if not hundreds of sources before you make up your mind about the truth of ANYTHING. An encyclopedia should be for providing information about a topic, and not for keeping information out, even if that information is controversial. We should be allowed to weigh information, and decide for ourselves after thoughtful review if we find that information baseless or not. But if information is being hidden or altered, we may as well be living in a police state.
They're not a sinister cabal charged with protecting dire secrets, they're the village green preservation society.

i will never not believe that this guy, wikipedia codename: Oshwar, is covering up the chemtrails-morgellons link

shriekingviolet posted:That's a pretty flawed analysis of the problem. There's definitely a pecking order of editorship that enforces a kind of western chauvinist rationalist sam harris type worldview, but I'd be more worried about how their criteria for accurate information reflects jingoistic american hegemony than a goofy secret conspiracy coverup to cover up chemtrails, the satanic panic, and your patent snake oil homeopathic AIDS cure. Obviously governments influence wikipedia, they'd be foolish not to, but most of it you can chalk up to voluntary sperglords stubbornly plugging away at their dumb ideology of nearsighted pseudorationality and everything they reject doesn't automatically boomerang back around to truth.
They're not a sinister cabal charged with protecting dire secrets, they're the village green preservation society.
she's american so it's a more natural reaction for her i think. the other fun thing about her blog is that it reveals she's a fully paid-up jungian.... so rare these days...
Edited by tears ()
theres a brief moment where they're talking about how the population of lima swelled in size with refugees from the countryside that made me think of pretty much the same thing happening in cambodia and pnom penh during the war there, although maybe i just have cambodia on my mind all the time