Ninja edit: seek My music at Soundcloud / permavirgin
i post two times, before i post two times, and then i post two more
lose your face, lose your name, then get fitted for a suit of flame
Edited by animedad ()
troolari posted:Dear diary. Passed out a couple of weeks a go on poppy seed tea and other shit and lost all feeling and function from my left leg and been suffering from debilitating nerve pain so of course ive been popping muscle relaxants, clonazepam and gabapentinin like crazy for these past whatever days. All washed down with only a couple of beers since im a responsible adult. Fml. Long live eternal science of marxism-leninism-maoism.
which subforum is this from? are we talking forumid=1 or what heah
Edited by GroverBabyFurr ()
troolari posted:I think I'm going to kill myself tonight. Thx everybody
please dont do this
troolari posted:Ok got myself some amph and some rigs and its go time about to read something and wash dishes
yeesh, pal