weeds: ever heard of horizontal gene transfer fucko, get owned
that's really cool
wonder how future climate skeptics will field this one
"uhh, uhhhh, actually all the coffee farmers just got real bad at it, all at the same time"
"However, the new research also reveals that if a massive programme of moving plantations up hillsides to cooler altitudes were feasible, coffee production could actually increase."
Constantignoble posted:wonder how future climate skeptics will field this one
actually the new climate skeptic line is that climate change is Real and Real Good and environmentalists are a cartoonish supervillian conspiracy to destroy humanity & the earth
hey posted:roseweird posted:
hey posted:
this whole idea of endless growth and consumption is actually bad
reachfor the stars
that's where it gets better. there are people. real god damn people. that honestly believe that one of the solutions to climate change and resource depletion is space travel and science fiction.
this is old now but i liked this article from sam kkkris on this
xipe posted:http://www.naturalblaze.com/2017/07/us-threatens-world-seed-security-war-syria.html
most of that naturalblaze article is good but it does link to a global warming denier page, just a heads up
U could probably add the interview with an Iraqi agricultural scientist on Mint Press there too, he talks among other things about their seed saving work which was destroyed by the Americans.
Apart from seeds, its pretty sick how the middle east is facing environmental disaster but is forced to devote all attention and resources to militarise due to eternal provocation of conflict there.
hey posted:roseweird posted:hey posted:this whole idea of endless growth and consumption is actually bad
reachfor the stars
that's where it gets better. there are people. real god damn people. that honestly believe that one of the solutions to climate change and resource depletion is space travel and science fiction.
this is one of the things i hate the most, "we have to go to space because of climate change." setting moral responsibilities to not destroy the planet completely to the side, do you know how shitty everywhere in space is? absolute worst case scenario climate change on earth is still better than everywhere in space. oh, it gets to 140 in the summer along the equator? bummer. there's still air there though right
The next day they woke up, the tree had been pulled up and the tractor was gone!
The future is gonna be fuckin great
The aggressiveness of this imperial strategy can be seen in the U.S. pursuit of absolute dominance in nuclear weapons capabilities under the rubric of the “modernization” of all three legs of its nuclear arsenal. The object is to take full advantage of the fact that a weakened Russia fell behind for years in maintaining and modernizing its own nuclear weaponry, allowing the United States to pull decisively ahead. U.S. nuclear strategy is now predicated on the “death of MAD” (Mutual Assured Destruction), that is, the demise of the entire system of deterrence.27 Those formulating U.S. strategic doctrine increasingly believe that the United States is currently capable, while using only a small part of its nuclear arsenal, of destroying enough nuclear weapons of an opponent in a first strike (or counterforce attack)—even in the case of Russia—to prevail in a nuclear confrontation. In short, Pentagon planners now believe the United States has attained “strategic primacy” in nuclear weapons capability.28 This would make a first strike against any enemy on Earth “thinkable” for the first time since 1945, when Truman ordered the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties—in what was a political rather than a military decision, and the first real act of the Cold War.29 Ominously, with the imminent death of MAD, the other side too, in any period of nuclear tensions, has greater incentive to strike first, lest it be destroyed completely by a U.S. hegemon no longer restrained by fears of its own destruction in the event of a first strike on its part.30
xipe posted:A bunch of fascist millionaire computer geeks will fund their own deaths in a failed libertarian space colony
shriekingviolet posted:Remember the goons who trooped out into hawaii to clear land for a vapourware yoga resort or some shit, and they got a tractor specifically for tree pulling that they secured by tying it to a tree.
The next day they woke up, the tree had been pulled up and the tractor was gone!
The future is gonna be fuckin great
when a goon got a bunch of other goons to join them on their plot of land in "the jungle" and they spent a few days "clearing paths" then one of them unloaded an entire handgun into a pig
“The United States is not seeking to neutralize adversary deterrent forces.”
Some critics argue that the United States is not seeking strategic pri- macy. They reject any intent behind the emergence of US nuclear pri- macy and downplay the effort to neutralize adversary deterrent forces in US military strategy. Instead of the United States bolstering its counter- force capabilities, critics emphasize how it is minimizing the role of nuclear weapons in national security strategy—as only this is consistent with international arms control and nonproliferation efforts aimed at con- vincing other states to forego strategic weapons, reduce existing arsenals, or cancel modernization programs. The implication is that we have mis- takenly imputed sinister motives to US defense programs and planning.
Disavowal of the US pursuit of strategic primacy comes most fre- quently from those who work inside or outside the government on arms control and nonproliferation policy. Yet, those who work on US regional war plans and counterproliferation policy typically see nothing contro- versial in our claim that the United States seeks the ability to neutralize adversary strategic weapons. In fact, this effort appears to be official US policy. As a simple Internet search shows, the US government does not hide the wide range of research and planning efforts underway that fall under the rubric of “defeat WMD” or “combatting WMD.” And the underlying logic behind those efforts is simple: deterrence may fail, es- pecially during conventional wars, and therefore the United States needs the ability to defend US forces, allies, and the US homeland from enemy WMD using, depending on the circumstances, conventional strikes, missile defenses, special operations, offensive cyber attacks, and in ex- treme cases nuclear strikes. In short, “defeating WMD” and “seeking strategic primacy” are essentially synonymous: protecting oneself from others’ strategic weapons (which sounds reasonable) and neutralizing others’ strategic deterrent forces (which sounds more malicious) are simply two phrases describing the same behavior.
Current US grand strategy—which takes an expansive definition of national interests and is committed to a global network of alliances—means that the United States may be drawn into wars with WMD- armed adversaries. We agree with many US government officials that the ability to neutralize those adversary capabilities in such a conflict may be critical. Others are free to disagree. But all analysts should rec- ognize that current US efforts to neutralize adversaries’ deterrent forces are inherently threatening to those states, and few should be surprised when those adversaries treat US pleas for greater arms reductions with considerable skepticism.
Edited by marlax78 ()
chickeon posted:natural blaze is teh totes natural and not anthhropogenic inferno that is going to consume us all as the earth heats up, naturally
its weed

tears posted:UK proposes to phase out new petrol and diesel cars by 2040, considers vote on asking nicely if things could perhaps not get too warm