TG posted:also, if you ever find yourself in the Other Portland, you should visit:
allagash brewery
a lighthouse
a restaurant that will sell you a lobster roll (all of them)
can confirm, just did this on my way home from acadia last weekend
When i was last here you could only buy 7g of weed, but more limiting, one single edible, at any individual marijuana store, per day, which created a thrilling imperative - visit every single weed store in portland eating one candy per stop. Now i would unfairly be considered an addict, a junkie, if I spent two to three days biking around to every dispensary in the city and not doing anything else with my time here. Its bs
Edited by swampman ()
oh, when you're looking at books, open up and see if you can find any oop source material, just not chapters 12-14
animedad posted:yo kinch remember when we were chilling in the boulevard drinking wine with a few other eccentric characters. hows life?
yeah i remember that. i live in that area now and i dont recognize anything because we moved almost exclusively in alleys.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:i wish i could find it but there was this tumblr post from a year or so ago where the person was mad bc they were demisexual and their parents didn't realize how special that was. imagine being that parent. your teen announces that they're some new sexuality you've never heard of they found on the internet and you're going oh jesus what kind of cartoon ruminant do they want to fuck but then it's like "no it means i only want to have sex with people i love"
i saw that post but sadly the only one i've ever screencapped is this

swampman posted:Portland is satan tempting me, I am christ in this analogy
why not use the same arguments you gave me when i was thinking of moving to portland (it white)
karphead posted:why not use the same arguments you gave me when i was thinking of moving to portland (it white)
Yeah it only seems cool because I am here visiting my grandparents so I planned ahead to be able to spend, for example, $17 on the catfish and waffle (singular) for breakfast yesterday at the live jazz cafe that I only had to walk along a phenomenally dangerous highway for a twenty minutes to reach, since I saved $800 on the whole shelter part of the trip. And because NYC is so incredibly filthy and covered with garbage that I am starting to get agitated, while over here, not so much garbage. Cops have already stopped me here because I biked through a stop sign, laying bare the true face of the terror that undergirds the citys leafy loins.
swampman posted:karphead posted:
why not use the same arguments you gave me when i was thinking of moving to portland (it white)
Yeah it only seems cool because I am here visiting my grandparents so I planned ahead to be able to spend, for example, $17 on the catfish and waffle (singular) for breakfast yesterday at the live jazz cafe that I only had to walk along a phenomenally dangerous highway for a twenty minutes to reach, since I saved $800 on the whole shelter part of the trip. And because NYC is so incredibly filthy and covered with garbage that I am starting to get agitated, while over here, not so much garbage. Cops have already stopped me here because I biked through a stop sign, laying bare the true face of the terror that undergirds the citys leafy loins.
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come to chicago, where there are alleys to hold the garbage, and cops don't care about anything unless youre a black teen.
Edited by kinch ()
as a writer, the city is quieter

getfiscal posted:i decided i'm probably just going to apply to jobs for when i finish my masters, instead of levelling up anymore at school. for health/bureaucratic reasons i probably have to stay in ontario for a few years, unless i become a writer on Keven's Comedy Dojo on Amazon and can live in his basement in Astoria. i might try to avoid toronto because i don't really see the point of just fighting to death against real estate investment trusts on a modest income. so i'm thinking ottawa maybe. it looks like i will be a teaching assistant for a political theory class this fall though and i've got my courses picked out.... #winning
Ottawa is much nicer than I ever expected. are you going to try and get in at some ngo think tank type thing? surely they must pay very close to zero dollars
drwhat posted:Ottawa is much nicer than I ever expected. are you going to try and get in at some ngo think tank type thing? surely they must pay very close to zero dollars
i am on disability here so i have a small income floor that i could combine with a part-time job and writing or whatever as my health improves. it'd be hard to live outside ontario because i lose the disability (and maybe health insurance). i mean they will still tax back my disability at about 50% because our hell world. but if i can get in at like... a quasi-governmental organization or whatever... yeah... i could work part-time and still be able to survive probably, then improve over time into a real full-time position. i could do it in toronto too i guess... i shouldn't be a jerk about toronto lol.