tears posted:do the thing where people watch the youtubes together
i wasnt joking btw, i will watch dumb utubes w/ ne1 (yeah 1 speek l33t)
spectralmarx posted:things i would have discussed on the irc: does having a problem with a guy mouth-breathing and making loud chewing noises mean i am severely mentally ill?
no I hate that so much. my roommate does that shit even while sleeping and I am slowly going insance. this is not the first time the topic has come up on the forum before

spectralmarx posted:slighting those in authority has bad consequences, productive arguments are a myth.
don't worry too much, just try not to show ass in the future. accusing blinkandwheeze of being a JNU stooge after you've been posting here for less than a month is showing ass because he's maybe the highest-effort poster on this site currently when it comes to politics around the issue and nearly every post made on this site since its beginning is available for you to read if you're at all wondering where people are coming from.
parabolart posted:
revisionisms a hell of a drug
i'd set up an irc, but i would be shocked if anyone actually used it. seems like irc-like things get about a day of attention and then fade out into total disuse immediately. internet culture and use patterns changed and people don't like realtime things anymore unless it's on their phone. just start a rhizzone telegram group
tears posted:greetings fro m the rhizzone ball pit
*searches ball pit*
gum, left shoe, left shoe, gum, communist manifesto, right shoe, gum, gum, left shoe, pocketknife, gum, PSL sticker, left shoe, trot newspaper, sock, gum, tpaine's mixtape, sock, underwear...
~~~~ ☭ u are listening 2.... t H E r H i z z o n E /// #therhizzone only on EFnet
/// /msg vladbot help /// motd: revolution now ☭ ~~~~
[06:46:42] <toyotathon> ill make the backhoes
[05:47:10] <shriekingviolet> wats irc
[06:40:11] <drwhat> it's what people used to use before they had forums or blogs or
IMs or anything
[06:40:22] <drwhat> though there was usenet already
[06:40:24] <drwhat> usenet is forever
toyotathon posted:oh my gosh i found the cdc archive, these are hilarious what even is this http://www.textfiles.com/groups/CDC/cDc-0020.txt is this mostly teens?
we had FUN, once, before everyone else found the internet
troolari posted:man I think one of my first shit posts was about starting an irc channel on rizon. now my computers fucked and irc is a hassle without somekind of ssh or even bouncer. id be all for rhizzone telegram group but I guess thats also the easiest way for the deep state to gather all of our badge numbers dunno but Id go for iit for low effort shit posting
they wouldn't know any more about us than they already do