pogfan1996 posted:Please put down the RockStar brand energy drinks mister cat
i have to fix every code. this is the only way

edit: also bumping for barring out again. runnin out but then ill just switch back to more dionysian pleasures like wine and dance and poetry and wine
Edited by GroverBabyFurr ()
parabolart posted:May i recommend douglas fir tip tea, the alpha-pinene terpene in it counters the short term memory loss from the weed and gets rid of anxiety among other undesireable aspects of The Entourage Effect
The Entourage Effect, the little known syndrome caused by smoking mountains of weed that turns you into one of the characters on Entourage, causing you to repel all other humans
Edited by Belphegor ()
tears posted:drank a can of monster in memory of spectralmarx
structured water, poly water, hexa water, penta water,
activated stabilized liquid oxygen concentrate drops, Vitamin O v2.0
wat i am trying to say is Monster=666
slipdisco posted:Vitamin O v2.0
vitamin O_o
i got a long weekend and am currently getting intoxicated on both alcoholic and non-alcoholic substances, told u i was hardcore
Edited by parabolart ()
roseweird posted:stoner chess report: i formulated a solid strategy, positioned my pieces in line with my plan, then totally forgot what i was doing in the middle of the game and allowed my opponent to make 4 illegal moves before we realized we fucked up the game and had to stop playing
turn 6: my opponent is over-cautious! i've achieved a dominant central position and flawless pawn structure. time to make my move!
turn 12: it's all coming together, i'll just pin this column to enemy king with my rook and i'll wrap this up soon. think i'll celebrate with another bowl
turn 16: wait it's all crumbling now, how did this happen???
turn 17: "hang on how many turns has my rook been checking your king" "oh wait, uhhh..."
the last time i played chess there was four people, two teams of two, and we alternated turns with our respective teammates. the rule was no communication about strategy. i was stoned and my teammate wasnt, and every time id move hed sigh. somehow we won 2/3 games though. it was a fun experiment
i'm not really "into" hallucinogens but it wasn't the worst way to spend an evening. and the pain relief actually works!
thA moThafuck'in SOber ZONE