knock up your wives like every day

tpaine posted:i was wait. wghat
This is not the wino forum
tpaine posted:i even bought this shirt but i'm not a dad yet somehow. help?
*hermetic seal on climate controlled dresser drawer releases with a hiss* and this one... this one I call "The Babe Magnet".
toutvabien posted:i feel numb and shitty in my office job and am considering something drastic like WWOOFing or some other "go work on a farm somewhere" program
getfiscal posted:I feel like at least a few of us are going to coalesce into a sort of dream team collective and like... bring socialism to grenada or something.
they said the factory was producing at capacity.... they said the machines were to blame.... but a maverick soviet economist and his kooky assistant... thought different. this fall... Plywood
Edited by stegosaurus ()
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:with kids its kind of weird that the only people who we try to hide the existence of sex from are the ones who cant make more people. it's like if there was a conspiracy to keep knowledge of swimming from the paralyzed
you wouldn't want a quadriplegic trying to swim in your pool
roseweird posted:very occasionally i meet someone who has children who i think it was correct for them to have children, thinking, that is a good person who probably is raising a good child. or else sometimes i meet a person who is so good and healthy that i think, that person could only be the product of a good upbringing. or like when someone expresses love for their family and it doesn't sound neurotic or disingenuous in some way, that person is probably pretty good-hearted. anyway sometimes it's good to remember that not everyone is as fucked up as i am or almost everyone i know. just a sanity check in the REAL LIFE thread
i think most families are good and nice. i dont really talk to mine
getfiscal posted:I feel like at least a few of us are going to coalesce into a sort of dream team collective and like... bring socialism to grenada or something.
i just mentally backpedaled from thinking "i like and respect most of these folks but actually working with anyone from around here would be a guaranteed disaster" because i remembered that everyone i've successfully worked with IRL has also been a disaster
For example during this rant I was told that China isnt socialist because they have a wealthy elite running the government. And I said but hang on, isnt socialism determined by other things, like who is in control of the state, and the way the means of production are owned and so on. I said I'm not certain either way but I think those things are important for understanding it. Which provoked a response of refusal and recoiling, what are you a stalinist or something, and eventually she physically removed herself from this debate she'd initiated with me despite my obvious desire to sign the thing and keep moving
What is amazing is how easily people with left-liberal political beliefs will literally recoil when faced by any kind of consistent opposition. I have no doubt that petit bourgeious identity is just drenched in narcissism, in a turn inwards that rejects other people and so constructs and projects an identity that puts distance between them and contact. So there's no authenticity to the belief (say about China's mode of production), its motivated by the extremely mentally taxing necessity of getting other people to believe in their projected identity/exoskeleton. I'm a caring socialist, I believe this and that. Everyone has to believe this about me or they might catch a glimpse of what I really am. As a result even touching on the idea without totally giving in to their opinion is like tearing open a wound, its immensely painful and they have to remove themselves from the situation (or some other response that allows them to escape).
My point is that it made me appreciate the mental fortitute Getfiscal displays every week when he attends the Trotsky Lovers Line Dancing event at the toronto dance hall (formerly debutante ballroom).