Belphegor posted:babyhueypnewton posted:It's the social media aspect I think because the liberal uniformity and conformity makes the nightmare of structuralism seem mild.
What do you mean by this?
do you have any thoughts on what such an updated apparatus theory would have to say about these types of smokescreens? I've noticed how the media tends to to latch on to the farcical, disgusting aspects of Trumps character to the exclusion of the farcical, disgusting aspects of Clinton's. I get the sense that you are calling for an improved theoretical lens to understand this and I am intrigued.
I've only begun to think about it but maybe I'll make an effort post when it's more sketched out. I would like to incorporate dromology into a more explicit Marxist framework without the vagueness of deleuze (sorry to this forums namesake) and the revisionism of David Harvey though I've been forced to rely on both so far. Anyway thinking about structural differences between this forum and reddit or Twitter for example is something we already theorize in our forums praxis

.@realDonaldTrump, to chants of "lock her up": "Special prosecutor, here we come"
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) October 10, 2016
lol @ the babies crying about this in the twitter comments
McCain on not supporting Trump: Women 'cannot be degraded and demeaned.' He added: 'They can be bombed and cheated on and you can call them cunts, but you can't demean them.'
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:reddit has to be rigged in some way. there's just no other explanation for how its userbase can be raving muslim-bashing anti-feminist racist loons and its politics subreddit can be so consistently anti-trump
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:reddit has to be rigged in some way. there's just no other explanation for how its userbase can be raving muslim-bashing anti-feminist racist loons and its politics subreddit can be so consistently anti-trump
this can be explained by the following reason: People on reddit consider themselves very smart
c_man posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:reddit has to be rigged in some way. there's just no other explanation for how its userbase can be raving muslim-bashing anti-feminist racist loons and its politics subreddit can be so consistently anti-trump
Jared from Subway coming through with his crucial support
ilmdge posted:le_nelson_mandela_face posted:reddit has to be rigged in some way. there's just no other explanation for how its userbase can be raving muslim-bashing anti-feminist racist loons and its politics subreddit can be so consistently anti-trump
this can be explained by the following reason: People on reddit consider themselves very smart
there are tons of racist people who think they are smart, in fact the central conceit across the resurgent hard-right is that they possess some hidden knowledge suppressed by leftists/liberals
Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()
SOCRATES: I am wiser than this man; he fancies he knows something, although he knows nothing—
— leon (@leyawn) April 8, 2015
DARRYL, SOCRATES' FRIEND: fuck him up socrates
tpaine posted:a lot of people think they're smart but they have this homespun common sense wisdom (that the "real smart" people debunked at the adolescent stage of their psychological development) that they cling to because they're anal clowns who kneejerk against being told things because mr. smarty science man says bad things about god and jesus and we can't have people questioning our deeply held untenable beliefs, they're just like, prejudiced against US sittin' up there in their ivory towers and that very easily translates into "we got the REAL knowledge here in Deer Rut, FL and i don't care what some nerd says"
if you don't think this isn't based on personal experience then i just, i don't even know.
it's literally based on science. Studies have shown that when americans are faced with factual evidence contradicting their political beliefs, they respond by intensifying them. It's the foundation of our entire political order.
tpaine posted:those people are also trash but there's also probably like one of them for every 200 ignorant hicks
you have to remember that you live in florida tuppins and it certainly colors your perspective on humanity
hillary clinton said environmental groups are russian fronts