red bull. i mean, that shit can't be good for me, right?
realpost: are you a coffee drinker?
i drink probably the equivalent of 12-15 cups of coffee a day via redbull and americanos (black). it doesn't affect me much anymore except give me a headache if i don't drink it. lately i've been popping a sudafed for the extra buzz. i'm fine.
[account deactivated]
hi tpee, what is yr drink of choice tonite
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
glad to hear it, but watch out for what's behind you

[account deactivated]
i have a lot of sangria it's terrible.
sangria is real hit or miss
Also, one of their three public boards seems to be devoted to one guy's drunkposting.
it's collaborative drunkposting

FAILAIDS posted:

Also, one of their three public boards seems to be devoted to one guy's drunkposting.

yeah i was reading that. its weird how gbs MPC is sometimes, they think identity politics pre-date leninism because the first one makes them angrier.

their biggest quotes in that thread too were from liberal shit we re-posted to make fun of it which i guess follows naturally because they think they're the only ones who think that shit is funny instead of that being a normal thing. so they think anyone else who posts that stuff on the internet must have written it.
Since I've been out of school for years I have a hard time finding any coke nowadays so I drink a lot of red bulls and vodka and man do I have terrible headaches the next morning that I normally don't. Shit is some awful poison