For some strange reason, Western tourists seem to think that everything in the DPRK is done for them.. and them alone!

from: http://www.carscoops.com/2016/01/a-rare-look-inside-north-korean-car.html

On one of the war murals, the school administration had even covered up specific photos in advance of our arrival. Given how graphic the visible parts of the mural already were, I can only imagine what was hidden underneath. I asked our minder about these pieces of paper, and she sidestepped the question, saying that they were probably just touching up parts of the mural.
from: https://medium.com/swlh/8-days-in-north-korea-5c651c3883de#.jykkd5cmf
from: http://qz.com/137016/creepily-perfect-pictures-from-north-korea-the-sport-and-leisure-capital-of-the-world/
Get these Yanquis some Risperdal immediately! No wonder they have guides.. these psychopaths might not be okay when left unattended!
from: http://travel.cnn.com/touring-north-korea-whats-real-whats-fake-487216/
Even worse...
My god.. they can't even care for the disabled!
Pot holes!!!! Crumbling infrastructure!
Unseen images of hidden North Korea metro!
The Horror------!
I can see past the propaganda now.. so who will give these poor people regime change already?
Edited by MarianneSadd ()
i hope DPRK got a lot of money out of them for the privilege
And even then, if they assume a DPRK waterpark or Ghadaffi's guest tent is so very nice and welcoming especially for them, they are somehow inclined to be poor and ungrateful guests, they are inclined to cynically throw their hospitality back in their faces, impoverish and invade and destroy them...
MarianneSadd posted:What is it about the Westerner that makes them believe the whole world is their very own personal Disney Land, that wherever they go people are eager and willing to spend whatever effort and money necessary to please and impress them?
And even then, if they assume a DPRK waterpark or Ghadaffi's guest tent is so very nice and welcoming especially for them, they are somehow inclined to be poor and ungrateful guests, they are inclined to cynically throw their hospitality back in their faces, impoverish and invade and destroy them...
i think that's just rich people/tourists in general. i mean even major "western" cities are becoming disneyfied in part for foreign tourists and capital. in china they have vast tracts of housing which emulates different imagined ideas of western life too (like novelty german housing etc).

(as you can see, the interior is clearly designed as a panopticon)

what a pathetic and vulgar attempt at trying to prove themselves to be on the same caliber as some sort of swedish welfare state. the sad truth is that these places will only be filled with orphans who are of the privileged ruling elite. just another way to brainwash kids without their parents (who they probably murdered). that is, if they even put kids in them and don't just tear them down now that they took their propaganda photos. disgusting.
Edited by aerdil ()
i however, know better because i am intelligent and wise beyond my years.
aerdil posted:
nice try with the fake trees dprk
getfiscal posted:sad that such poverty exists in the US and North Korea.... hopefully both countries will do better. good point.
err what NK poverty? the pics of guys working on an industrial site or the nice building with some cracks in the pavment in front of it?
saving you a click: some pictures were taken on an overcast day and published without the standard color correction. you're better off enjoying the pretty pictures Roland Boer posted to his blog a couple months ago.
just for completeness, found some related claims of performativity while looking into DPRK christianity a couple weeks ago ("two nondenominational 'protestant' churches were opened in an effort by the government to show religious freedom," etc)
Propaganda: Slogans are branded across state buildings such as this factory
swampman posted:Propaganda: Slogans are branded across state buildings such as this factory
wth, i did NOT disable my adblocker but still see this post???
aerdil posted:likewise check out these photos of a couple new orphanages that the dprk recently opened
(as you can see, the interior is clearly designed as a panopticon)![]()
what a pathetic and vulgar attempt at trying to prove themselves to be on the same caliber as some sort of swedish welfare state. the sad truth is that these places will only be filled with orphans who are of the privileged ruling elite. just another way to brainwash kids without their parents (who they probably murdered). that is, if they even put kids in them and don't just tear them down now that they took their propaganda photos. disgusting.
I hope this is fake because I'd feel bad for them if they're really building things this stupid and tacky.
Keven posted:I hope this is fake because I'd feel bad for them if they're really building things this stupid and tacky.
I hope this is real because I feel bad for them due to, you know, them not having parents and growing up in a world with no biological family

the sad faces painted on these bunks are clear evidence of kim jong il's vicious plan to demoralize and heartbreak the inmates
Keven posted:I hope this is fake because I'd feel bad for them if they're really building things this stupid and tacky.
It's sad because one of the big attractions of Korea is that it hasn't been overrun with indoor waterparks, people staring at the smartphones all day and all the consumer crap. The people still have their dignity.
tears posted:Keven posted:I hope this is fake because I'd feel bad for them if they're really building things this stupid and tacky.
I hope this is real because I feel bad for them due to, you know, them not having parents and growing up in a world with no biological family
Oh I didn't assume the orphans had to design and construct the buildings. In that cAse I think they did a good job but maybe ppl that young shouldn't be doing heavy construction & engineering.
tears posted:i mean it looks fucking sweet, pools, bright colours, activity rooms huge portraits of the dear leader and the great leader, whats nt to like. u want orphans to live in some oliver twist style nonce-run orphanage?
Keven's Little Oprhanage For Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too
kids in my courtry play in burnt out playgrounds with broken glass and used needles, and by god it teaches them ~aesthetics
American Orphan: through the pain and struggle of my upbringing in the decaying ruins of a once-great society, I have ignited my "flame." To strive, struggle, create! I will become an artist.
North Korean Orphan: time for a dip in the baby jacuzzi. When I grow up I'm going to walk from one side of a hotel lobby to the other side all day so tourists feel more comfortable.
American Orphan: (is living organically, creating oppertunity and love)
"With a history stretching back to 1972, East Asia Tribune (EAT) has grown into Asia’s largest and most trusted media organization with offices in 23 countries across the region and around the world." despite the fact that all their social media accounts stretch back for only a month and they have almost no online presence in search engines.
the actual article is a great fiction read: http://www.eastasiatribune.com/north-asia/five-nights-in-pyongyang-inside-the-secret-brothel-of-north-koreas-elite/
It's is such an obvious Fake And Gay Disney Lie.