Whatever was okay but i don't think i will ever read another one of his books
tpaine posted:white people romanticizing/converting to islam is so endlessly hilarious to me. you don't even know
yeah you'd have to stop making ooga booga jokes at least a little. LOL
tpaine posted:i'm trying to protect islam from the scourge of white people and i get accused of racism, takes me back to lf '09
Ya just trying to prevent the race mixing with the poor naive orientals. Theyr fucking stupid but damn arent their Precious. Just a white guy, lending the other...Races... A hand...
tpaine posted:mr crow when you get carequeer at me this plays in my head
the black wind blows around me.
Thats the sound of your death, truth coming to reap your whimpering wind.
c_man posted:he looks like a police sketch where the artist was given only the word "pedophile" as a description