Do you get terrible hangovers? Because lately I've been feeling like a hangover kills a whole day of mine.
shriekingviolet posted:aaaa
Oh wait, that's how you're doing....
when i was a Teen working a mall retail job with commission i once showed up at work after an all-night binge, hungover as hell and without a wink of sleep. to me the day was a painful dumb shitty blur, but by the end of it apparently i'd had my best sales day ever and my boss asked "why aren't you like this more often." destroying your brain makes you better at doing things you hate
But really, if youve been dytd for any appreciable amount of time you shouldny be getting hangovers any more because you should be waking up at roughly the same level of intoxication at which you spend the whole day
ya ok nice try john manLAW *eats a handful of cough&cold* I'm a legal citizen **ZzZz** orange vomit is the softest for slumber btw
gyrofry posted:in all honesty weed is hella overrated and strictly inferior to alcohol. just being honest yolo
weed is a sometimes thing, alcohol is an all the time thing. also my preferred consumption method is to just infuse shitty weed into vodka anyways, so best of both worlds
tpaine posted:shriekingviolet posted:there is nothing bougie about pouring a plastic bottle of no-name vodka into a mason jar and double boiling it with a bunch of stemmy and dried out shit no one else wants
i bet this is playing the whole time you do that
The cc ost should always be playing
postposting posted:http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/17/business/authenticity-repurposed-in-a-mason-jar.html?_r=0
ugh i wound up going to lunch with a couple friends at this stupid hipster place where i payed 15 dollars for some mediocre pancakes and they gave someone their leftovers in a mason jar and i wanted to gag, die, murder, etc
tpaine posted:shriekingviolet posted:
there is nothing bougie about pouring a plastic bottle of no-name vodka into a mason jar and double boiling it with a bunch of stemmy and dried out shit no one else wants
i bet this is playing the whole time you do that
the official soundtrack of going for a walk to the liquor store
tpaine posted:fucking this
for whiskey drinking
this screams vodka and red bull to me
tpaine posted:TG posted:
tpaine posted:
shriekingviolet posted:
there is nothing bougie about pouring a plastic bottle of no-name vodka into a mason jar and double boiling it with a bunch of stemmy and dried out shit no one else wants
i bet this is playing the whole time you do that
The cc ost should always be playing
fucking this
for whiskey drinking
i literally thought of this track once when i was firing up my home still
tpaine posted:TG YOU HEARD THIS
the ending
holy shit. thanks now i know what im doing on my monday night