Damn these guys are #Real. #Damnitstrue. Haha the meth here is un believable. Its insane in the gun market here
discipline posted:deadken is on twitter laughing at people who don't think the video is what it says it is. did you even watch the video ken
He watched the video and so did i. There was the part where they behead the guy. Sick. and then, Hell, they talk about reagaonimics and then they show their insane yellow cake supply. That shit is pure and they even got a grow op lol in their tub. Koven said he nicked a bit from them during the first gulf war at a pub rager and it poisoned twenty of his mates at tthe next footie match meet he had lol.
Shit haha anyway and then the most insane shit happened in the video. The guy walks up and starts doing the harlem shake haha. Anyway those guys deserve to tbe taken out.


Reminds me of some of my sick head shots and murks on dead space 3. O no my ex wife lol
elektrenai posted:the terrace can make you hear choking sounds from where there is no microphone, I'm not even mad that's amazing
conec posted:i realize that`s the partial vid but why, at the end, would he tell obama that the life of james foley depended on his next decision after already showing the ~corpse~. bad edit
thats a different guy, Steven Joel Sotloff
discipline posted:it's hard to say if that's him in the photo they show as his dead body after that fade out because the head has a mustache, a gash across the right eyebrow and is covered in blood
it is stubble coated in blood, and the gash is a blood spatter
i cant tell if you guys are taking the piss out of right-wing 9/11 truthers or not. what purpose would a fake beheading video serve?
this duder got shot in the head by isis with an ak from a foot away and his head didn blow up like in da mobies
obi the james foley vid doesn't have enough blood, but these vids are just comically over the top with theblood. gladiator with russel crowe is a tasteful example isis should follow
Makeshift_Swahili posted:its interesting that they chose not to show the actual execution, but i can see why there'd be cuts if you're trying to make a more 'polished' video. multiple takes... potentially the guy who spoke on camera didnt want to do the actual execution? im guessing they chose a british guy to speak to the camera to emphasise the broad appeal of ISIS.
the brit probably dropped the head in the bloody sand and made them look like amateurs
discipline posted:exactly - anything is possible, I'm certainly not saying he's alive or w/e but this is a possible cassus belli and should have the accompanying scrutiny
ah so if it turns out the execution was real we should support american imperialism in iraq
Panopticon posted:alternatively the body was dragged a few feet away after the blood had stopped gushing so they could pose it without getting gore on their boots
as far as i can tell the area with the decapitated body looks like the exact same as the area with the speeches... dirt path behind them in both cases, and theres a small line of rocks to the left of foley
also there's a subtle botched edit just before he says "i guess all in all, i wish i wasn't american", every other cut seems to be very smooth accompanied by change in camera angle . i was looking to see if the knife on the ground in the decapitation pic is the same being held by the british guy. its impossible for me to tell one way or another but idunno anything about knives. there's not too much blood on the ground but it could be his body is simply right on top of it or otherwise obscuring it. or he could have been moved for execution then moved back. or anything.. idk
Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()