heres a really good pig destroyer cover of two carcass songs:
Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()
i think one or two assuck members were in this band (turn it up, rip is real quiet ;_; ):
i could post about a million grind releases.....

(cephalic carnage suk now imo, but early stuff is sickk)
^ zorn
^ zorn & ex napalm death drummer Mick Harris
^ Asva is the best thing Trey was involved in i think
anyway, i could post about this stuf forever....
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:now that im not a teenager i can't really get into new grind/thrash shit i just like country and gay hipster garage rock
what im saying is the past 6 months have been an interesting time for me, musically
Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()
animedad posted:i saw dying fetus like in 05 or something in central illinois
i saw them once and they played every song that people from the crowd yelled out, which is super impressive. i don't listen to them, but i gathered they played some obscure early stuff from eps
my "go to" grind album
which is in competition with assuck for me as best grind "album" since they just had a bunch of comps or w/e and this is just a posthumous comp. swallowing shit is just 31g enough to appeal to my teenage skramz side
Makeshift_Swahili posted:do u mean those sc3 traxx on Book Of Horizons? i doubt they were parodies as such, he got the cephalic carnage drummer in for it, and guys like zorn have been into death/grind for a while... like Kevin Sharp of brutal truth was in naked city for a bit (i think?), zorn worked with mick harris on painkiller.... trey was in Asva for a while which is kewl drone/doom stuff.... i definitely think there was a big dialog between metal/grind and other experimental genres in the 90s probably up to the early/mid 2000s. not so much now. most of the best metal atm is deliberately regressive though which is probably good....
i saw Deliberately Regressive way back in like 2003. they caught part of the stage on fire and the entire club had to be evacuated. i think everybody was still reeling from that whole Great White fiasco a few months ealier
im just going to keep posting this crap.
absolute garbage. shoot everyone who even clicks my videos.
Barbarossa posted:nice links. when i was listening to cannabis corpse an ad for vampiresexdating.com came up and guess what guys, now i'm married. thanks wryzone
congrats. they got a new album coming out soon i think.