building things, making music, taking drugs. not giving a fuck. nerds
aerdil posted:
apparently senator john burton, the chairman of the california DNC is having a birthday party across campus, and i didn't spot any security. i have this powerful desire to sneak in and start stammering at him about marx
Strap up.
aerdil posted:
apparently senator john burton, the chairman of the california DNC is having a birthday party across campus, and i didn't spot any security. i have this powerful desire to sneak in and start stammering at him about marx
this is why i chose the limit i just did. imagine that someone called security because they heard you were going to do that simply because it was some sort of act of defiance? if you knew that this person was going to do something like that before you even said you were going to do it, it would be hard to determine whether or not the way you were should act towards that person is the result of paranoia.
the weirdness is the extent to which we have normalized such an extraordinary police state!
Lykourgos posted:
The mistake is more fundamental; the common sort are not meant to concern themselves with social justice on anything approaching a grand scale. For the people; And truly I desire their liberty and freedom as much as anybody whomsoever, but I must tell you, that their liberty and freedom consists in having of government; those laws by which their life and their goods may be most their own. It is not for having share in government that is pertaining to them; A subject and a sovereign are clean different things,
sosie posted:
where do we draw it?
where ever it's drawn, may it be with the blood of the bourgeoisie