"i kinda want to write a thing about how all this rape by envelopment is really erasure of real rape but lol" - Emanuela Orlandi

whenever i read through my old posts i'm struck by what an amazingly funny guy i am and how painfully obnoxious and hostile everyone else is. it's weird. anyone else feel like this?
[account deactivated]
You have to realize that not everyone has things to do with their time.
i like you cyclone bro
impper did you become right wing fascist to improve your writing
you don't have to be a right wing fascist to post on tHE r H i z z o n E, but it sure helps!
i don't think i'm a right wing fascist
there's a part in a thousand plateaus that talks about how the average german craved annihilation and the nazis were the most efficient method to get there. that sounds good to me, if it makes me right wing i guess i'll take it
collective suicide
it must have been so dreamy
i am volkisch now
Craving death while targeting others first is pretty pathetic. Be true to your desire. Hold aloft your true goal-- Killing yourself is cool

Crow posted:

Craving death while targeting others first is pretty pathetic. Be true to your desire. Hold aloft your true goal-- Killing yourself is cool

Disease: Too cowardly to self-actualize death drive. Prescription: Invade the lands of your betters. Cure: Death.

Mishima was a true brave fascist. Right on time. Hitler finally came around to realizing Killing himself --a little late . .
nws http://d.pr/i/99eT this camwhore has like the hottest bod in herstory.
So this Goethestein is married and all he does is post about porn? That's quite pathetic.
tentativelurkeraccount downvoted that posted to hide the fact that he has mondo wood atm
is not the camwhore an acceptable sex worker? she is self-employed, usually deriving a living from no more than nudity or masturbation that is of little effort and no danger to her. it is an egalitarian model, open to any reasonably attractive woman with reliable internet access. rejoice
i would say that crow downvoted the post because of mondo wood, but let's not throw the word mondo around too freely in my opinion
yeah goatstein u definitely have some marital issues to work through if ur still spending this much of your time lookin' at porn rather than having sex witht he wife. just a lil' friendly tip from a pal so taht u may have a fulfilling sex life someday
if u can only get hard by putting on steampunk LARP clothes, let her know, man. i'm sure shes loving enough to help u w/ ur kinks
get high on cocaine and harass a homeless person about it apparently
you remember that i'm physically-superior to you in every way right? you don't? let me remind you: i am also superior to you in all mental and moral faculties. Cheers

Crow posted:

you remember that i'm physically-superior to you in every way right? you don't? let me remind you: i am also superior to you in all mental and moral faculties. Cheers

your peen look like a grasshopper leg

your head looks like a bumblebee

Goethestein posted:

is not the camwhore an acceptable sex worker? she is self-employed, usually deriving a living from no more than nudity or masturbation that is of little effort and no danger to her. it is an egalitarian model, open to any reasonably attractive woman with reliable internet access. rejoice

Uh no, if a woman shows her tits or genitals in exchange for money, it is rape, and it makes her no different than a woman who sucks off dudes for meth money at a truckstop outside of columbus ohio.

I kind of understand where Cycloneboy is coming from now. I was too quick to skim over or dismiss his arguments but I’ve been reading them closely in this thread and it’s something I’ve missed before:

I look back with bitter-sweet melancholy to my own misguided youth of weed and video games and hanging around in parks, some regret but also acceptance of the things that made me who I am. Thing was though: I didn’t get the internet til I was 14 and it was just shitty internet that wasn’t much good for anything but ICQ and need for speed. And I know it sucks being a bit of a nerd, I know it sucks not getting laid, but luckily I was around at the end of a golden age where you ended up just having to man up and get out there.

Cycloneboy is younger, he has only ever known the internet as the all-encompassing lightning-quick cultural hegemon that it is today. And while sure it sucks that lots of people prior to that had ‘nowhere to turn to’, the availability of MRM ideologies (and a shady but workable concept of out-of-control misandry) and such is at his fingertips. As we can see by the crazy imploding communities of wddp and social-justice-identity types, this is politics as a new form of escapism.

See CB for all that you write about being passionately opposed to female on male rape and errything, no-one’s going to be convinced you’re coming at this from some altruistic passion. You never mention the rape of women, or address the general pervasive sexism of society, and you tend to upvote the more misogynistic remarks in this place.

So I get where you’re coming from, I understand the frustration, but don’t let isolation and fear turn you into a classic reactionary before you’re even 21, there’s plenty of time for that.

The whole field isn’t doing you good at all, I recommend you try and erase it from your psyche, maybe get out and play some sports? Or join a drama club! There are always lots of engaging women doing drama and from your posts you’d be good at it!



Edited by Ironicwarcriminal ()


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

I was 14 and it was just shitty internet that wasn’t much good for anything but ICQ and need for speed.

Australian internet has come a long way in the last 3 years

but CyBoy's had the same gimmick for best part of a decade; being weird while a youth is fine, but weird while pretending to be a youth is creepy
It’s a very strange dynamic this internet, in that it familiarity causes us to become quite intimately familiar with distant strangers (Goatstein I’m talking forums not camwhores) and yet fundamentally know absolutely nothing about them.

Cycloneboy could be Pharrell for all we know

Cycloneboy posted:

whenever i read through my old posts i'm struck by what an amazingly funny guy i am and how painfully obnoxious and hostile everyone else is. it's weird. anyone else feel like this?

that's a fucked up way to look at things because your posts a really bad and REALLY unfunny lol. Lol! *Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks you into a black hole*


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

See CB for all that you write about being passionately opposed to female on male rape and errything, no-one’s going to be convinced you’re coming at this from some altruistic passion. You never mention the rape of women, or address the general pervasive sexism of society, and you tend to upvote the more misogynistic remarks in this place.

As I said, I know my Care Factor is out of proportion to its Objective Importance or whatever, but I honestly don't care. People here don't actually talk about male-perpetrated rape or female rape victimization either, unless you count discipline's flailing (and I don't). I could certainly start a discussion on my own about male-on-female rape, and I definitely have some Interesting Thoughts or w/e, but A) I haven't seen retarded rape apologia constantly posted here any time anyone brings it up and B) pearls before swine, y'know what I'm saying?

I am volunteering at a DV/rape crisis center over the summer, though. My abandonment of slacktivist feminist bullshit is the number one reason why I'm volunteering.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

It’s a very strange dynamic this internet, in that it familiarity causes us to become quite intimately familiar with distant strangers (Goatstein I’m talking forums not camwhores) and yet fundamentally know absolutely nothing about them.

Cycloneboy could be Pharrell for all we know


Cycloneboy posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

See CB for all that you write about being passionately opposed to female on male rape and errything, no-one’s going to be convinced you’re coming at this from some altruistic passion. You never mention the rape of women, or address the general pervasive sexism of society, and you tend to upvote the more misogynistic remarks in this place.

As I said, I know my Care Factor is out of proportion to its Objective Importance or whatever, but I honestly don't care. People here don't actually talk about male-perpetrated rape or female rape victimization either, unless you count discipline's flailing (and I don't). I could certainly start a discussion on my own about male-on-female rape, and I definitely have some Interesting Thoughts or w/e, but A) I haven't seen retarded rape apologia constantly posted here any time anyone brings it up and B) pearls before swine, y'know what I'm saying?

I am volunteering at a DV/rape crisis center over the summer, though. My abandonment of slacktivist feminist bullshit is the number one reason why I'm volunteering.

no one cares or read this.

please do not put rape victims thru the trauma of talking to you irl cycloneboy

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

please do not put rape victims thru the trauma of talking to you irl cycloneboy

i, like so many other posters, am a completely different person IRL.


Cycloneboy posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

please do not put rape victims thru the trauma of talking to you irl cycloneboy

i, like so many other posters, am a completely different person IRL.

you arent a person lmao

trying to "train" someone out of the forum doesn't really work when you're the only person participating, it just makes you look weird, hostile, and really really helldumpy.
lmao indeed, youve cycloneboyed me to a ridiculous degree once again