
libelous_slander posted:

why don't you just marry reddit

today reddit started accepting bitcoins to purchase its gold membership that does nothing

However the hostility of males towards females isn't always unwarranted within the military. Point blank having a female on the unit vastly raises the chance you'll be a "man down" when it comes to deploy due to "I got knocked up" right exactly before you deploy! Even if you aren't the odds one of "your guys" is going to find a way to sneak out of all manual labor duties and bad watch times goes through the roof. And guess what, everyone else has to suck it up, and pick up that slack. And not a fucking thing can be done about it, and if you point out what's going on, keeps going on, and is a scourge on unit cohesion and other issues, nothing will come from it.

So what ends up happening, is a lot of guys develop an extremely hostile attitude towards female service members, because so many of them do exactly this having a single one of them can be an utter morale killer. Granted, not all pull those stunts, but enough do that it's a serious issue within the military. And if anybody tries to "hold people to the same standards" all hell breaks loose and the feminist brigade comes storming in and the whole thing gets shoved under the rug to avoid any problems and the problem gets perpetuated. Because you know, physically weaker and vaginas... though if a male had a medical issue, right before every deployment, he'd be in huge trouble. And if a male slept with their superiors and peers to get out of physical labor or watch duty they'd be screwed, but a woman can, full stop, and odds are nothing will happen.

These problems make the already male dominated culture of the services that much worse. As someone who was in the military, one of the critical steps in fixing male hostility towards females is putting an end to that sort of mess. Because while women can, and should, validly consider any male a sexual predation risk, males should consider most females a risk as well in those areas and probably being a person down. One of the reasons that "I was raped" get's eye rolls so fast is because "you were caught selling blow jobs in the spare parts helo several times, you used those to get out of manual labor, and you got knocked up twice to get out of deployment, why the fuck should I believe you about anything you say", and it does happen all the time.

Getting rid of that type of situation would remove NCOs and officers ability to just rampantly dismiss rape complaints as "I blew him and some how I get stuck on a work detail, time to go pitch a fit", because the latter is pretty damn standard. And for people like me, I never saw or heard of someone being raped with any real evidence, but I heard multiple women talk about how they got extra cash on deployment and avoided watch details they didn't want through sex, it was SOP. Hell we called the Admirals second quarters on his bridge the "love shack" because of the amount of prostitution we kept having to break up there, and almost all the time it was for money and to get out of work, and it wasn't really the men initiating it.

I blame the power dynamics of fewer women to men by a massive ratio, and the cop out of not having to keep to the same fitness standards as the excuse you can use. But it's a huge fucking issue. And while it no way in hell excuses rape, it certainly explains why a ton of guys in the military don't consider women their equals at the job, or even valid parts of the team, and why a rack ton of people quickly dismiss rape charges as "work negotiations gone wrong".

There's a reason a lot of guys seek out male only units, you don't have to deal with that mess. And it only takes watching that sort of cluster fuck once or twice develop an extremely negative few of your female service members. And that sadly get's placed on all their heads, when not all of them act like this. Again though, not all men are rapists, but for your own good it's best for both sexes to assume the worst about either, because if you don't you're setting yourself up to get burned badly.
lol >>>>>>>> http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3524112&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=17#post412790890
Sorry, I don't know why I posted that here, maybe because D&D owns. Anyway, if you read any of those troop writings aloud in the kind of barking/shouting troopspeech it makes them even funnier. Peace.
real talk the non-bull dyke women who join the military have way more mental health issues than the lady population at large, and besides being a one-way ticket to rape and slutshame city the military is the least-equipped place on earth for handling people with brain problems let alone their own internal rape factories

it's a social health issue right up there with youth homelessness largely being gay kids kicked out by their religious kook parents, who in turn develop serious mental health problems, drug addictions, get raped, forced into prostitution, etc. due to a similar structural lack of support and being placed in an actively hostile environment