
update: everyone on the eastern seaboard will envy the dead.
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tpaine posted:

What's the deal with gale force winds? Who is this gail person, and why does she want us dead? Is she an ex I forgot about? I mean, I'm sitting there trying to search through all my failed relationships and my car gets thrown. Is it me?


Stay safe everyone in NYC, but a quick reminder that there is no evidence that hurricane activity has increased due to global warming
I wonder what cool socially conscious apps will arise from the plight of the drowned homeless. The potent imagery of the wretched of the earth clinging to the golden bull as the water rises.
hurricane mandy set to literally kill on broadway
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tell us some hurricane stories tcaine
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yeah, i meant the comedian Earthquake
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sig test

tpaine posted:

i wonder if this will be as fun to watch as the whole katrina thing

it will be more fun because if Manhattan gets screwed it will only be white people affected

swampman will literally become a swampman
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you rated this thread 4 stalins, way to go!

karphead posted:

swampman will literally become a swampman

and Drew will literally become EmanuelaOrlandi...........missing forever

Discipline will be enjoying the nice weather after England though
everyone freaking out over a minor thunderstorm is funny
apparently the slight drizzle so far has inundated norfolk with 4ft of water, maybe when the winds shift toward the east in a couple hours the great dismal swamp will reclaim groverhaus

peepaw posted:

everyone freaking out over a minor thunderstorm is funny

10/28 never forget

[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

and Drew will literally become EmanuelaOrlandi...........missing forever

i dont liek jokes about emanuela orlandi on my forum duude

update: it is raining in boston.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
and Drew will literally become EmanuelaOrlandi...........missing forever

i dont liek jokes about emanuela orlandi on my forum duude

Why did the satanic Vatican cabal murder the italian teenager after a few years

She was pasta prime!


Goethestein posted:

update: it is raining in boston.

Lies, goatstein lives in Laughlin Nevada and is a jizzmopper at the “Loose Slots” Fuckranch out on the interstate

hoping this hurricane does to manhattan what occupy wallstreet and al qaeda couldn't

aerdil posted:

hoping this hurricane does to manhattan what occupy wallstreet and al qaeda couldn't

I don’t really know how a hurricane is meant to “achieve CIA policy goals” but ok

Trader joes commissioned jew weather machines to sell wine and bloomberg was the middleman. Hurricane is a plot to turn white underemployed people into homeless winos. It worked with crack in the 80s. A bunch of career minded creatives thought they were gentrifiers but they are the human buffer sent into red hook, greenpoint, rockaway and brighton by the landlords, the city is a giant human testing facility
If someone you know confided to you that theyd been taking all the money theyre saving (a lot) and buying silver with it, what would you think about that.
prepare to kill them and become the silver prince of your locality after the final collapse of fiat currency and the ascendancy of precious metals after Velikiy Knyaz Ron Paul Grozny launches his military coup and seizes the Golden Throne of Bernanke