tHE arcHivE

Knowing your audience? Django Unchained
Quentin Tarantino finally made a version of Inglorious Basterds for me.
The Library of Congress, and the primitivist tract I found there
i was suddenly feeling guilty for being back there and reading it, like it was some kind of forbidden knowledge, and i ducked behind the stack before i started reading.
how to wake up from a reoccuring nightmare: a response
we are prohibited from investigating the future, but every second holds the potential for messianic emergence.
how to wake up from a reoccuring nightmare
garbage swirls throughout our oceans and festers all over the land.
Proof of Atlantis to be released in Quest to End world Tyranny
Spiritual warfare is being fought every day under the veneer of a sane human everyday existence.
A Nation of Lazy Bums and Unpaid Interns: Youth Unemployment in 21st Century USA
The youth unemployment debate generally ignores the rapidly changing nature of the US economy. Youth unemployment is the highest in recorded history.
Love is fidelity to Truth
only a cub idiot lion baby plays with their food in a sadistic manner.
Fuck The New Inquiry, And Other Tales
Leftwing intellectualism and the bourgeois cult of words.
the united states is a sham construct used to keep the people down
the answer is creating a shadow state that delivers community services and then kicking out the state legislatures and seceding from the union, or at least renegotiating the terms of being a part of it.
voting for president is ridiculous in the united states
the status quo is what currently matters in the united states. maintaining the trajectory at all costs is what matters.
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