tHE arcHivE Presents 5 different kinds of fire that you didn't know as much about as you thought
Educate yourself about the kinds of fire.
the daily show & south park
*moans, rolls over, pulling covers over head, chasing sleep like dogs chase squirrels*
on proust
What say you, my misshapen virgin creatures?? Will you analyze Proust's art with me??
Post-Soviet Anxiety: Man of Steel and Doctor Who
man of steel: wait, its not about stalin???
biotronic vat-grown amazonian S&D mechadroidonic fasciofuturism
Television is the air you breathe and with it come the ads.
God Exists
With Lent almost upon us and the day of the Lord's resurrection only slightly further ahead, I think it's a fitting time to discuss liberation theology.
If You Support Peace, US Soldiers Are Enemy Combatants
Imagine the kind of person who signs up to kill people.
A Partisan View of History
Marxism is centered on the idea that classes can be abolished through the liberation of the proletariat.
Two Captives: The Self-Defense Case for Socialism
Bound and gagged, a young man has been left to starve in the basement of his kidnapper. Though weakened from a lack of food and water, he manages to untie himself, and, arming himself with a nearby plank of wood, he lies in wait.
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