India Reports Completely Drug-Resistant TB

‎"The vast majority of these unfortunate patients seek care from private physicians in a desperate attempt to find a cure for their tuberculosis. This sector of private-sector physicians in India is among the largest in the world and these physicians are unregulated both in terms of prescribing practice and qualifications. A study that we conducted in Mumbai showed that only 5 of 106 private practitioners practicing in a crowded area called Dharavi could prescribe a correct prescription for a hypothetical patient with MDR tuberculosis. The majority of prescriptions were inappropriate and would only have served to further amplify resistance, converting MDR tuberculosis to XDR tuberculosis and TDR tuberculosis."



thank god we've still got homeopathy
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can't wait to Die, for perhaps in my death i will find life

gyrofry posted:
thank god we've still got homeopathy

gonna switch my major to holistic health, start listening to pacifica radio, donate to a microfinance company in india to help out ppl who need loans for medicine


discipline posted:
Countdown to when people start seeing this as a viable solution to overpopulation and a good reason to keep PoC migrants out of Europe (notice how no white people have caught it yet hmmm? )

the miracle of the superbug is that due to the way our world is now structured, it will easily permeate beyond the thirdworld, and can reach the majority of the world population

Meanwhile, health authorities estimate that one patient with active TB can infect up to 15 others. And thus resistant TB spreads: XDR-TB was first identified just in 2006, and it has since been found in 69 countries around the world.

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discipline posted:
Countdown to when people start seeing this as a viable solution to overpopulation and a good reason to keep PoC migrants out of Europe (notice how no white people have caught it yet hmmm? )

fuckin hell


discipline posted:
Countdown to when people start seeing this as a viable solution to overpopulation and a good reason to keep PoC migrants out of Europe (notice how no white people have caught it yet hmmm? )

CAFOs are basically bioweapons factories and its virtually guaranteed that some horrible MDR strains of pathogenic bacteria are going to come out of American chicken/pig/etc farms sooner rather than later

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discipline posted:
LOL Jk, most of those comments are arguing about natural medicine Thanks Wired Dot Com...

supplementary countdown until dawkinsian types see this as a viable solution to the irrational majority

develop new drugs. new patents!!!!!!

discipline posted:
Are you aware that i[[egals bypass required health checks? they are bringing TB, leprosy, malaria, e-coli, dengue fever and many other diseases into this country. Our government looks the other way while our citizens are being infected and exposed. We had a tb outbreak in the schools in N. Texas last year. This is one very good reason to shut down i[[egal immigration.

sounds fair

drink bleach, problem solved. This Is Your Daily Dose Of White Noise Shitposting
since TB is spread by basically coughing, it's one of those diseases that only really spreads in communities without much living space (i.e. slums). sooooo basically yeah, horrible.
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why i eyes ya

discipline posted:
My hypocondriac friend of yesteryear warned me people will literally cough in your face on the tube and it's true, my dog!

lmao what line, that never happened to me