I wrote Christmas because I don't want to engage in ironic semi-racist Kwanzaa jokes by white people shit. And, of course, because this is an anti-semitic forum we will not be celebrating Hanukkah! Actually we will be celebrating reform Hanukkah which is where you just celebrate christmas and you can eat ham.
If you are at your family's house sitting in your old room posting on to the internet during Christmas then please consider therapy. This is the orphan Christmas chat for people who can't be with family.
I would like to take a moment to discuss the consumerization of CHristmas. I think it rules. People buy shit all the time anyways, so I think it's cool to do it sometimes as a special thing to make people happy. I don't think that hte ritual in itself necessarily is celebrating capitalist consumption. I buy gifts for all my family and some of my friensd, spending hundreds of dollars at the mall in a single day and its great to see the lookso n their faces when they get the presents.

deadken posted:
fail miserably and write awesome poetry about it
this is the approximate gameplan. if you respond b4 i leave i'll do it: shall i wear my hair in ponytail?

actually my hair is a sort of peacock in itself. i get at least 5-10 compliments on it a night when i go out, and some girl always wants to feel it. i've been wanting to cut it forever but my self esteem needs whatever boosts it can tget
deadken posted:
i knew wddp was going downhill when i made dumb joke theory posts about how puas were in touch with the deleuzian multiplicity the self, how they exemplified neitzschean Becoming, how their relentless pursuit of women was a poetically tragic-heroic obsession, and people got all angry and upset lol
ahahah. they were upset because it's all true, it's damn true
anyway the pope is right again http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16328318
our holiest holiday is a fucking consumerist nightmare and it makes me very sad, christmas would be better without any forced presents, only sincere presents. well ok kids should get presents but there is plenty of stuff they want anyway and they have no money of their own. personally I'm going to donate some money to charity and thats good enough for me
Impper posted:
i shaved my head once but i remember thinking my head was shaped like a penis
yeah its like craniosuggestion, its awesome bro, im gonna tattoo a urethra onto my scalp
gyrofry posted:
whats your fave charity lunfgish
i gave to Feeding America before, might do that again. or just the good ol' Red Cross. willing to consider alternatives
Impper posted:
i think puas are "interesting" inasmuch as it's a profession purely of nerds, yet they draw the greatest amount of ire from fellow nerds & losers.
the narcissism of small differences
deadken posted:
theres something incredibly tragic about puas.... tragic in a mishimaian sense, they sacrifice even their own happiness for their obsession. do you think puas actually enjoy sex. i don't. i dont think they can. theyve turned sex into the ultimate arbiter of personal worth, during the act itself i dont think they can feel anything, no connection, no intimacy, only a restless drive for more, theyre stripped it of any intrinsic value, the actual act of love becomes almost a chore
agreed. also let's agree from now on to call it "mishiman"
]maybe without the part in parentheses
Impper posted:
girl i like is out of town. how lame would it be to send a text like "thought about you" , but, (about to go out and try to pick someone up)
]maybe without the part in parentheses
super lame
is this the same girl u were talkin about in the 'dp before Fuck Theory Krew Krew turned up & were all 'how dare you be attracted to someone'
Impper posted:
oh yeah i know it's lame but i'm trying to toe a certain line between lame and ... let's say, Touching, also because occasionally girls like shit like that. and yeah it's her. our Relationship has been so fucked up that i'm almost assuredly going to write a story or a novel or something about it at some point, and it won't be remarkable in any way except that it's the one thing to play my emotional heartstrings or w.e in years, and so remarkable for that fact
thinkin about you is kinda cliche tho..... you could just say something vaguely christmasy/erotic to maintain Presence but emphasise Distance. iono tho it all depends on the situation
Impper posted:
lol. the only way that's going to work is if she does most of the heavy work, i mean, she doesn't have to actually approach the girl, but she needs to be right there with you. it will work much, much better if she's there for most of the time
yeah this is my brain thinks, also she has a bunch of hot friends she gets off w/ occasionally but she doesnt want it to be with anyone she knows because Awkwardness. which is fair enough but i have a feeling its going to be pretty awkward whatever happens. still going to do it though
also you should be the one to suggest the devil's three way