
If I Were A Poor Black Kid

President Obama gave an excellent speech last week in Kansas about inequality in America.

“This is the defining issue of our time.” He said. “This is a make-or-break moment for the middle class, and for all those who are fighting to get into the middle class. Because what’s at stake is whether this will be a country where working people can earn enough to raise a family, build a modest savings, own a home, secure their retirement.”

He’s right. The spread between rich and poor has gotten wider over the decades. And the opportunities for the 99% have become harder to realize.

The President’s speech got me thinking. My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city. My kids have it much easier than their counterparts from West Philadelphia. The world is not fair to those kids mainly because they had the misfortune of being born two miles away into a more difficult part of the world and with a skin color that makes realizing the opportunities that the President spoke about that much harder. This is a fact. In 2011.

I am not a poor black kid. I am a middle aged white guy who comes from a middle class white background. So life was easier for me. But that doesn’t mean that the prospects are impossible for those kids from the inner city. It doesn’t mean that there are no opportunities for them. Or that the 1% control the world and the rest of us have to fight over the scraps left behind. I don’t believe that. I believe that everyone in this country has a chance to succeed. Still. In 2011. Even a poor black kid in West Philadelphia.

It takes brains. It takes hard work. It takes a little luck. And a little help from others. It takes the ability and the know-how to use the resources that are available. Like technology. As a person who sells and has worked with technology all my life I also know this.

If I was a poor black kid I would first and most importantly work to make sure I got the best grades possible. I would make it my #1 priority to be able to read sufficiently. I wouldn’t care if I was a student at the worst public middle school in the worst inner city. Even the worst have their best. And the very best students, even at the worst schools, have more opportunities. Getting good grades is the key to having more options. With good grades you can choose different, better paths. If you do poorly in school, particularly in a lousy school, you’re severely limiting the limited opportunities you have.

And I would use the technology available to me as a student. I know a few school teachers and they tell me that many inner city parents usually have or can afford cheap computers and internet service nowadays. That because (and sadly) it’s oftentimes a necessary thing to keep their kids safe at home then on the streets. And libraries and schools have computers available too. Computers can be purchased cheaply at outlets like TigerDirect and Dell’s Outlet. Professional organizations like accountants and architects often offer used computers from their members, sometimes at no cost at all.

If I was a poor black kid I’d use the free technology available to help me study. I’d become expert at Google Scholar. I’d visit study sites like SparkNotes and CliffsNotes to help me understand books. I’d watch relevant teachings on Academic Earth, TED and the Khan Academy. (I say relevant because some of these lectures may not be related to my work or too advanced for my age. But there are plenty of videos on these sites that are suitable to my studies and would help me stand out.) I would also, when possible, get my books for free at Project Gutenberg and learn how to do research at the CIA World Factbook and Wikipedia to help me with my studies.

I would use homework tools like Backpack, and Diigo to help me store and share my work with other classmates. I would use Skype to study with other students who also want to do well in my school. I would take advantage of study websites like Evernote, Study Rails, Flashcard Machine, Quizlet, and free online calculators.

Is this easy? No it’s not. It’s hard. It takes a special kind of kid to succeed. And to succeed even with these tools is much harder for a black kid from West Philadelphia than a white kid from the suburbs. But it’s not impossible. The tools are there. The technology is there. And the opportunities there.

In Philadelphia, there are nationally recognized magnet schools like Central, Girls High and Masterman. These schools are free. But they are hard to get in to. You need good grades and good test scores. And there are also other good magnet and charter schools in the city. You also need good grades to get into those. In a school system that is so broken these are bright spots. Getting into one of these schools opens up a world of opportunities. More than 90% of the kids that go to Central go on to college. I would use the internet to research each one of these schools so I could find out how I could be admitted. I would find out the names of the admissions people and go to meet with them. If I was a poor black kid I would make it my goal to get into one of these schools.

Or even a private school. Most private schools I know are filled to the brim with the 1%. That’s because these schools are exclusive and expensive, costing anywhere between $20 and $50k per year. But there’s a secret about them. Most have scholarship programs. Most have boards of trustees that want to give opportunities to kids that can’t afford the tuition. Many would provide funding for not only tuition but also for transportation or even boarding. Trust me, they want to show diversity. They want to show smiling, smart kids of many different colors and races on their fundraising brochures. If I was a poor black kid I’d be using technology to research these schools on the internet, too, and making them know that I exist and that I get good grades and want to go to their school.

And once admitted to one of these schools the first person I’d introduce myself to would be the school’s guidance counselor. This is the person who will one day help me go to a college. This is the person who knows everything there is to know about financial aid, grants, minority programs and the like. This is the person who may also know of job programs and co-op learning opportunities that I could participate in. This is the person who could help me get summer employment at a law firm or a business owned by the 1% where I could meet people and show off my stuff.

If I was a poor black kid I would get technical. I would learn software. I would learn how to write code. I would seek out courses in my high school that teaches these skills or figure out where to learn more online. I would study on my own. I would make sure my writing and communication skills stay polished.

Because a poor black kid who gets good grades, has a part time job and becomes proficient with a technical skill will go to college. There is financial aid available. There are programs available. And no matter what he or she majors in that person will have opportunities. They will find jobs in a country of business owners like me who are starved for smart, skilled people. They will succeed.

President Obama was right in his speech last week. The division between rich and poor is a national problem. But the biggest challenge we face isn’t inequality. It’s ignorance. So many kids from West Philadelphia don’t even know these opportunities exist for them. Many come from single-parent families whose mom or dad (or in many cases their grand mom) is working two jobs to survive and are just (understandably) too plain tired to do anything else in the few short hours they’re home. Many have teachers who are overburdened and too stressed to find the time to help every kid that needs it. Many of these kids don’t have the brains to figure this out themselves – like my kids. Except that my kids are just lucky enough to have parents and a well-funded school system around to push them in the right direction.

Technology can help these kids. But only if the kids want to be helped. Yes, there is much inequality. But the opportunity is still there in this country for those that are smart enough to go for it.


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"I would make it my #1 priority to be able to read sufficiently."

Personally, I would tell my kids to read proficiently. :smugdog:
coincidentally if i were a poor black kid i would spend all my time telling white people that racism is over and that black kids can be successful if they work hard and use a googlephone to study or whatever. that way i'll get a shot at being a pundit or consultant or something.
I admit I'm a short, balding and mediocre certified public accountant (biggest downfall: if it's close enough it's good enough). I write Quicker Better Wiser and Quicker Better Tech columns/blogs for Forbes.com. I was a former senior manager at KPMG and since 1994 the owner of the Marks Group PC, a 10-member customer relationship management consulting firm based outside Philadelphia. I've written five small-business management books, most recently, “In God We Trust, Everyone Else Pays Cash: Simple Lessons From Smart Business People.” I also write The Dashboard, a weekly online column for The New York Times as well as twice-monthly column for Bloomberg BusinessWeek and American City Business Journals. You can follow me at twitter.com/genemarks.

If I Were A Poor Black Kid
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alls you need to be in the 1% is not to be in the 99%. everyone can do it!
structural inequality in education? the khan academy is free you idiot!!!! god...
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Thanks for your comment guys. I still stick to what he wrote, and believe that the opportunity is there for everyone if they study hard and get good grades, use technology to help them get good grades, apply to the best schools they can, get help from their guidance counselor, and make sure to learn a good skill.
[account deactivated]
guidance counselor paces in office, wishing black children would show up, so he can give them one of his free coupons for ipads with which children can use free university lectures off itunes to get ahead. he sighs, and mutters "another generation lost... if only they cared about their futures."
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what's that, west philadelphian black youth? society is so fucked that you think you're more likely to go to jail than college?

there's an app for that
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does your absentee father show up weekly to beat you and raid your family's meager savings + possessions? well gosh, have some free online calculators

Edited by aerdil ()


Edited by jools ()

If i were me i'd be doing exactly what I'm doing, I can't really speak for anyone else or talk about carving out a place in the world for anyone else I don't know what to do to help other people economically - that is completely beyond me. You can't tell anyone else what they want or need to do with their life. The dipshit quoted in the op just doesn't get that.

I do see a lot of hopeless situations that could be easily avoided with parenting that isn't completely shit. I'm sorry that your teen has three kids at seventeen and doesn't want them anymore (just one of many close-to-home examples).

Cycle - of - poverty is a very real and very dumb thing. It isn't tragic - it's dumb. People really do sell themselves for the snake-oil, and I'm never sure if their shitty life is their own damn fault or the snake-oil manufacturers. It's the classic determinism trap, and I haven't seen a good answer for it yet.
shut the fuck up

edit: yes the cycle of poverty is a real thing! *provides anecdotal evidence about his white trash cousin with three kids*

Edited by DRUXXX ()

oh no determinism. anything but that
not white trash and not related. anecdotes are the only glimpses into reality you'll ever get - so learn to appreciate them. either people can help themselves or they can't. if there is a third option, kindly inform me because I'm blind to it.

so what are you all doing - anecdotaly - to help poor blacks?

NounsareVerbs posted:
so what are you all doing - anecdotaly - to help poor blacks?

what does that matter, it doesn't negate any of the points people are making. if i were to tell you that technically i am one (ok maybe not a kid) does that lend me more credibility

it's not some dichotomy where people are either their own masters or controlled by destiny , people are enabled or dissuaded by their circumstances and a billion other factors. this includes their own desire to effect change and the resources they have to go about doing so

maybe poor blacks are poor not because of sinister social effects but rather because their parents birthed them. knowing full well ahead of time that they could not maintain their children. fathers and mothers 20-50 years ago not only fucked but bore fruit, dumping these screaming cabbages upon the earth with no plan, no money and no hope. dont blame structural goblins when the true culprits lie right before your eyes, imo

Goethestein posted:
maybe poor blacks are poor not because of sinister social effects but rather because their parents birthed them. knowing full well ahead of time that they could not maintain their children. fathers and mothers 20-50 years ago not only fucked but bore fruit, dumping these screaming cabbages upon the earth with no plan, no money and no hope. dont blame structural goblins when the true culprits lie right before your eyes, imo

wow, never thought of it that way, guess the racists were right after all. Seems sensible. Ron pqul

i dont do a damn thing to help poor black people except stand around drunk complaining about public transportation occasionally

Goethestein posted:
maybe poor blacks are poor not because of sinister social effects but rather because their parents birthed them. knowing full well ahead of time that they could not maintain their children. fathers and mothers 20-50 years ago not only fucked but bore fruit, dumping these screaming cabbages upon the earth with no plan, no money and no hope. dont blame structural goblins when the true culprits lie right before your eyes, imo



Goethestein posted:
maybe poor blacks are poor not because of sinister social effects but rather because their parents birthed them. knowing full well ahead of time that they could not maintain their children. fathers and mothers 20-50 years ago not only fucked but bore fruit, dumping these screaming cabbages upon the earth with no plan, no money and no hope. dont blame structural goblins when the true culprits lie right before your eyes, imo



Goethestein posted:
maybe poor blacks are poor not because of sinister social effects but rather because their parents birthed them. knowing full well ahead of time that they could not maintain their children. fathers and mothers 20-50 years ago not only fucked but bore fruit, dumping these screaming cabbages upon the earth with no plan, no money and no hope. dont blame structural goblins when the true culprits lie right before your eyes, imo

The accepted terminology is 'crotchspawn' please keep to this in future tia

Mr. Goat, I don't think that childbearing should be a privilege of the rich. I'm saying its possible to raise children in a way that they can take some control and effect change instead of being wage-tele-alcohol-welfare slaves forever and always. And multitudes of people are raising many children to be precisely those kinds of slaves.
i'm going to make sure my kids are devouring descartes by age ten
if i were a black kid
yiddy diddy diddy diddy diddy dum
all day long i'd biddy buddy bum
if i were a negro kid
The Cure For Black Poverty Is TED Conference Videos. They're Free Online! The Wrold At You're Finger Tip
It's not the black kids' fault it's their black parents' fault