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tpaine posted:
Palomares posted:
Really? You post that on the source of swap.avi?
I sympathise with her, but:
1) Downloading music is illegal. As a Judge, he would have known this. Remember this is 2003/4, when the RIAA was suing people left right and centre. One lawsuit and he loses his entire career, and then where is his family?
2) Limited corporal punishment is an acceptable form of discipline for young children and teenagers.
* Not defending the level he went to; it was a bit far; but did she break bones? No. She made a bit of a meal of it, too; "bend over the bed" "NOOOOOO" "bend over the bed" <refuses for 5 minutes>.
3) We don't get the context from that video. Had she been told to stop before and decided not to? If so, it's a discipline problem; children need to do as their parents say. If they don't, the specific offence is less important than the defiance.
I do agree that in the heat of the moment he went a bit too far with the force he used, HOWEVER, discipline is lost in todays generation -- which includes me -- and the demonizing of corporal punishment for discipline is a contributing factor.
god i love goons.
[account deactivated]
remember that time some dude shot three children in the back on their knees with a shotgun cuz they broke into his trailer and stole some candy, and he got acquitted, and half the gbs posters could not reign in their blithering outrage about how Any Motherfucker Who Touches My Candy is Dead
violate me and you will get popped
[account deactivated]
Lol discipline is lost in this generation *beats child into meek submissiveness*
i always liked reminding all the outraged internet commies on LF/WDDP that all the shitbag goons on somethingawful and reddit were by far more politically educated and socially liberal than the large majority of the general population
tpaine posted:
Palomares posted:
Really? You post that on the source of swap.avi?
I sympathise with her, but:
1) Downloading music is illegal. As a Judge, he would have known this. Remember this is 2003/4, when the RIAA was suing people left right and centre. One lawsuit and he loses his entire career, and then where is his family?
2) Limited corporal punishment is an acceptable form of discipline for young children and teenagers.
* Not defending the level he went to; it was a bit far; but did she break bones? No. She made a bit of a meal of it, too; "bend over the bed" "NOOOOOO" "bend over the bed" <refuses for 5 minutes>.
3) We don't get the context from that video. Had she been told to stop before and decided not to? If so, it's a discipline problem; children need to do as their parents say. If they don't, the specific offence is less important than the defiance.
I do agree that in the heat of the moment he went a bit too far with the force he used, HOWEVER, discipline is lost in todays generation -- which includes me -- and the demonizing of corporal punishment for discipline is a contributing factor.
agreed 100%
goopstein posted:
i always liked reminding all the outraged internet commies on LF/WDDP that all the shitbag goons on somethingawful and reddit were by far more politically educated and socially liberal than the large majority of the general population
theyre shitbags because of their social liberalism imo. prussian discipline
this is for those of you who came for the 16 year olds
A grown woman would end that pompous motherfucker. An abused child might cower in submission and fear though, trying to hold on to her last vestige of dignity - the right to face her abuser eye to eye.
goopstein posted:
remember that time some dude shot three children in the back on their knees with a shotgun cuz they broke into his trailer and stole some candy, and he got acquitted, and half the gbs posters could not reign in their blithering outrage about how Any Motherfucker Who Touches My Candy is Dead
Someone posted with a cartoon of "innocent" children on their knees, saying "all I wanted was some candy sir,"
He ever get any street justice or does he still live alone defending his square footage with iron death?
I fully support kids having the right to self-defense against parental violence.
this guy is the reason why beating children has such a negative connotation. damn him, not for what hes done but for the inevitable legislative response
HenryKrinkle posted:
I fully support kids having the right to self-defense against parental violence.
the truly radical option of self discipline!
apparently this girl is a goon lmao
this is her

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the top dick detectives are on the case
i don't know what this thread is about but it seems to be about making fun of a girl whose dad beat the shit out her
[account deactivated]
he have boner when pwn daughter
livin the ameircan wet dream

Fucker posted:
he have boner when pwn daughter livin the ameircan wet dream
dont you make fun of america you damn foreigner
Skylark posted:
Thats right. pizza delivery man
tapespeed makes a good point that goatstein is a fucked up dude posting fucked up shit ian fucked up world and everythigns fucked up limp bizkit shit
My sense of disgust at weird/unpleasant/dumb internet people apparently eclipses my ability to empathize with the powerless.

as a weird, unpleasant and dumb internet person i accept your apology
getfiscal posted:
as a weird, unpleasant and dumb internet person i accept your apology
I mean weird in a "all-too-serious posts about bestiality" way. You're peaches in my book!
[account deactivated]
scroll up, sistah
heterosexuality is bestiality ah he ha he ha he