discipline posted:swampman posted:the murder rate in nyc is at a historical low
the surge is working
the statistics are deliberately minimized with three little words: "no criminality suspected." another cyclist assassinated by the auto fandom
Superabound posted:NYC is actually pretty pathetically safe when you consider how many of the people who live there deserve to be killed
new york's alright if you like saxophones

peepaw posted:is he the same dude who made this
no i am pretty sure that a shirt that casts violent crime as a cultural adventure was probably made by a white guy
peepaw posted:new york's alright if you like saxophones
ive already got new orleans for all that
in your exchanges with connor kilpatrick did you ever point out that you and Jason Walsh wrote the exact same article about left forums only he did it in Europe and you did it in America, and so connor aggressively endorsed the European version and aggressively denounced the American version like an average American liberal
In fact, not a single dangerous idea was up for discussion, which is hardly surprising when you consider the line-up included such luminaries as former Labour party lawmaker and current old man Tony Benn, current Labour lawmaker Jeremy Corbyn and serial Labour party flack and all- round bore Owen Jones. Lenin was up for discussion, but no-one was within a zek's chance in the gulag of laying claim to be his rightful heir. Even that discussion was bordering on insane, or rather, designed to be self-congratulatory. Was Lenin the "inventor of networks of resistance who would be completely at home with ‘clicktivism’ and online revolutionary publications?” No. No, he wasn't. Please shut-up.
Slavoj Zizek is honest when he says that he thinks there must be a vanguard party because he himself wants nothing to do with struggle, with politics. He wants to be a boring man with a boring life somewhere. Who then, will execute the ideas of those who proclaim to be on the vanguard of the Left today – who are the radicals? Do they exist? The Left Forum is this weekend in New York, and Verso, the leading publisher of leftist books, sent out invitations to their after-party. Have we ever seen such a crowd of communists who are so willing and able to rationalize away their own inaction? Watch them drink cocktails and discuss the importance of this or that idea, watch them rally around positions like it’s some sort of game. I went to an ISO meeting in Brooklyn and met fund managers, people in advertising. We must look at the way that these “radical” ideas should shape our lives. What worth does a bunch of words on paper have when there is no one that is willing to put their thoughts into action? What do these “writers” even think of their own ideas when they do not even inspire themselves to make the necessary sacrifices, adopt the necessary discipline? Here we suddenly find shivering cowards, insisting that they are caught up in their everyday lives too much to put a shoulder to the wheel and push.
its just pretty funny to me
Revolutions have a tendency to be bloody and to have unintended consequences. As a result, they are usually found in places where people are in genuinely desperate circumstances. Cuts to student grants do not count as desperate. Deep down today's soi-disant radicals know this perfectly well. Swept-away by the romance of street fights in Greece and gun battles in the Middle East, comfortable, if discommoded, kids in Britain and the US are playing revolutionary dress-up while making distinctly un-revolutionary demands. It's the same old story: revolutions for some, papers in scholarly journals for others.
To be blacklisted is a heavy thing for sure, and my grandfather grew up in crushing poverty. My great-grandmother begged for food. No one offered him a warm hand because he was a thorn in the side of capitalism, because he demanded that workers have the right to the means of production and to the fruits of their labor. The labor movement was fighting for an eight-hour day. Now, as the eight-hour day slips through our fingers, today’s self-proclaimed radicals write television reviews for major American newspapers and hold court at academic conferences.
connor likey or connor strikey? i can't tell
babyfinland posted:When I post walls of text they're actually worth reading
cool, thanks for this
babyfinland posted:When I post walls of text they're actually worth reading, I don't just dump A pile of garbage and be like look how much garbage i found
*remembers when ud post 18 youtube videos and a 100 page paper on totalitarianism or some shit in the same OP *
tpaine posted:i'm going to post an exhaustive analysis of d&d posts and quote them extensively and act like they're important thoughts and if any of you people so much as complains i'm going to release the fucking fury
youve definitely been doing a lot of 'release the fucking fury' lately. you posted that video about how you "are" the guy from boardwalk empire who burned his coworker's face with an iron and although i know that is not 'you' (as you wrote), and you have never actually brought yourself to address your frustrations in a directly violent way like that 'in real life' it was a little concerning to say the least. tpaine i think youre a funny guy and i hope i dont really get you mad by quoting khamsek's blog in khamsek's thread because that is not my intention. peace be w/ you
prikryl posted:babyfinland posted:When I post walls of text they're actually worth reading, I don't just dump A pile of garbage and be like look how much garbage i found
*remembers when ud post 18 youtube videos and a 100 page paper on totalitarianism or some shit in the same OP *
there's a reason I'm better than you
babyfinland posted:prikryl posted:babyfinland posted:When I post walls of text they're actually worth reading, I don't just dump A pile of garbage and be like look how much garbage i found
*remembers when ud post 18 youtube videos and a 100 page paper on totalitarianism or some shit in the same OP *
there's a reason I'm better than you
fiery fatty jerky consumption?
babyfinland posted:90% of the goofy leftist shit you losers feel superior for having skimmef through and namedropped i introduced you to and actually have read. Devouring descartes bitch. Dont Front on me birdbrain. You are an intellectual zero
who gives a shit? most of the people on this forum have attained social success above yours. are you still a 30 year old undergrad? how goes your quest to get into harvard for a phd? the cia still taking your calls? but i'm sure your delusions of grandeur will keep you alive when you realize that you have no life-long attachments to anyone or anything besides daddy's bank account and your image on a forum full of people that have moved on with their fucking lives.