as mongosteen, i will only post nice, positive things. goethestein will be my heel fursona.
i cant believe that i was just probated for saying it is wrong to objectify the homeless. this forum has some real issues in my opinion
as part of my new persona i will be upvoting all posts, because we all deserve a pat on the back, for posting.
you got x-pac heat mang
ha ha! excellent "ref," friend.
probated again. why? ununderstandable. possibly some repressed rage.
This morning Edward Snowden is fleeing to non-aligned nations to avoid US power. Boy, can I sympathize. I know the mods are trying their best and work hard, but in my opinion they have made some poor calls.
until the jools/lessons axis learn forgiveness i will need to probably post here most of the time, outside the clutches of the Empire. i wish only peace and harmony
stay strong brother. may the norm be with you.
Le me, le reading le thread le aloud
I know this will get downvoted, but le.
This place seems a lot deader without my posting. What is the endgame for my persecution? Either a dead forum, or the SJ ppl, emboldened by the extinction of their natural predator, grow emboldened and out of control as they did in W.D.D.P., which should have been a cautionary tale. As Robert Frost said: "Some le the word will end in fire, some le in ice."