discipline posted:this is why you can't be fat
to be fair i probably won't make it to 51 even if i get healthy, because of the JDPEN mass executions.
Superabound posted:Piers Morgan just aired an actual montage of Tony Soprano heart attack scenes, ffs
he is probably going to save tv and film makers a lot on reenactments

You will be missed
DildoMalone posted:should i watch the sproanos i havent seen it i liked the hit 90s sitcom dinosaurs if it help's
It's up near bacon in terms of sheer awesome and its overall messages are basically "Dont F with the mafia," "James Galfondini is a complete badass," and "Ban Diatom Aloe"
swampman posted:DildoMalone posted:should i watch the sproanos i havent seen it i liked the hit 90s sitcom dinosaurs if it help's
It's up near bacon in terms of sheer awesome and its overall messages are basically "Dont F with the mafia," "James Galfondini is a complete badass," and "Ban Diatom Aloe"
Yeah let's all remember his softer side and totally forget what he did to Christopher.

Skylark posted:Sopranos was the Game of Thrones of its time - something interesting to think about.
don't you fucking dare compare the brilliance of the Sopranos with the nickelodean daytime soap schlock of that piece of nerd shit
fucking disgusting
ilmdge posted:
man that forum sure is something awful
and then i watched this
can you imagine politicians of the future parodying game of thro- ohmy ga *vomits*
ilmdge posted:
hey could we maybbe get some info here for those of us without iwc levels of internet funnybux on hand at all times???